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About Alum08

I am going to be a nurse someday!

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  1. Pearsonvue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 3

    I heard the TX BON updates the website on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So I would think your license will be posted today or
  2. answering SATA

    Yes, that's the
  3. 2 Weeks until NCLEX!

    That absolutely does not work. In fact my review book advised against that. Get it narrowed down to two and then work from
  4. I got the job!!!! Two in fact!

    Thanks. I am right around 300 applications in Dallas. Thanks for the
  5. answering SATA

    Google NCLEX 3500. There is a link to a community college NCLEX 3500. There are hundreds of SATA questions. I feel they really helped me
  6. 2 Weeks until NCLEX!

    I did 200 questions a day. It was very time consuming but worth
  7. Passed NCLEX Without Review Course

    I did the content review first- which for me was reading the Hurst book first, then did practice questions. My final day of studying I went through a smaller book to refresh and reinforce what I had...
  8. Passed NCLEX Without Review Course

    2005 - that has been a really long time. Since so much time has passed I really recommend a review course. You will probably need a strong structured review. You should take it sooner than later, in...
  9. I want to share my experience with others. I could not afford $400-$500 on a review course. I used the Hurst review book ($50) - great for content summaries. Lippincotts "NCLEX Made Incredibly Easy"...
  10. Official nursing student fall 2011 stand up!!!

    Some schools place more weight on the entrance exam - so as long as you meet the minimum, you might be okay. Depends on the admission
  11. Official nursing student fall 2011 stand up!!!

    ADN program at Brookhaven College!!! Whoot
  12. Apply to both and go where you get
  13. Brookhaven Nursing Program

    No, as long as they are the same courses needed, then they will be
  14. Brookhaven Nursing Program

    I have looked again at TTU. , TWU, and UTT. I want to do leadership and use my MBA eventually. I hope to do clinical nursing for about five years
  15. Brookhaven Nursing Program

    Same here! Later after getting your RN, you can look into RN-MSN programs, rather than BSN (if that is the route you want to take). There are a few in Texas. I want to say that UTMB has an RN-MSN...