Big Bab's

Big Bab's

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All Content by Big Bab's

  1. What an Aid Hates

    In my neck of the woods, we say that RN's that act like that to aids have "RN-itis", I don't know what the cure for that is but maybe the "pillow treatment"? :chuckle
  2. 12-Step Coercion

    We are definitely in agreement on what the outcome should be :) , we just differ on how to get there, and I for one can deal with that......That's what its all about.....Now the hard part is getting the BON's to understand it. ...I keep hoping it w...
  3. 12-Step Coercion

    OK, we may have a misunderstanding here....I DO use "God" as my higher power, but that is my choice.....There are those out there that DO NOT believe in "a higher power" of ANY kind, and they shouldn't be forced to consult with a group, a door knob.....
  4. 12-Step Coercion

    Many people have mentioned Rational Recovery, which is what I use and love it!...the issue that programs have with RR, and one of the reasons they won't allow us to use it is that RR doesn't have ANY meetings, there is a seminar to get started, but t...
  5. 12-Step Coercion

    Sooooo, even though I'm clean and sober, have been for over 2 years, I NEVER diverted from a patient, NEVER stole meds, NEVER falsified Rx's....I should be punished by having to attend AA/NA meetings???.....What you may not completely understand is t...
  6. 12-Step Coercion

    Change sponsors??...Only with approval from the program director!!...Blasphemis??...well false deity's for one!!..."You can even use that door knob as your higher power/God.".......and to answer tweety about the Ohio wording, I have seen them use BOT...
  7. 12-Step Coercion

    Oops!!....forgot to say that this monitoring is a 5 year contract.....EEK!!....that seems like forever!!....well 2 1/2 years to go!!
  8. 12-Step Coercion

    I can only speak for myself here...The program that I was mandated to by the state board requires me to 1) call in every morning by 11am to listen to a recording to see if it is my day for a UA, we are required to do 24 per year (some people are requ...
  9. I Need Major Help!!!

    Have you gotten any "takers" on this yet??....If not let me know, and maybe I can help:)
  10. Intro!

    Welcome to the gang!!.....I have a feeling you've got more to contribute than you think!!!.......It's not all book knowledge, some of its common sense too!!.....So don't be shy about chiming in:)
  11. Looking for history behind how RN's and LPNs developed

    I honestly have no clue, guess I never really thought about I'm curious to know also.:)
  12. Ultram cost me my new dream job

    Owney, are you sure your relatives have IBS??....cuz what you're describing about them and yourself (bloody stools) sounds more like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis......I've never heard of any surgeries for IBS, mainly cuz its not a degenerati...
  13. Ultram cost me my new dream job

    IBS seems to be EVERYWHERE...I have lots of patients that suffer with it too, thankfully nowadays there are more meds out there to choose from ie. Zelnorm, Bentyl, Pamine, Levbid, Levsinex...etc...Have you tried any of these??....Personally, the Bent...
  14. I'd Like to Introduce Myself

    Howdy and nice to meet you!!:)
  15. When did you know you wanted to be a nurse?

    That "moment" for me was when I had to watch my favorite uncle battle his testicular CA which "Mezt'd" everywere.....I felt sooooo helpless to do anything to help him and I didn't like that feeling at all!!.....I decided I never wanted to feel that w...
  16. Ultram cost me my new dream job

  17. do rn's do office..or only lpn's or ma's

    I am an RN in an Internal Medicine office, there are 4 RN's and 2 LPN's.
  18. Things Med students/residents have taught me

    Perhaps "blow-darts" would be helpful here???....hee hee:roll :chuckle :kiss
  19. Patients We Love to Hate

    HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!......TOO FUNNY!!!!!!:roll :chuckle
  20. Patients We Love to Hate

    On the note irritating and irrational patient expectations!!.....I work in an office and we had a long time patient of ours that is a MAJOR drug seeker, go into a ranting tirade in the middle of the hall last week, telling my Dr and I that "it's f***...
  21. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    ------my comments inside I suppose that's dependant on what the doctor wants to follow. As in............By Big Babs The UA would tell you volumes. If there's sugar in that sample it would rule out ADH. that less expensive than...
  22. How do you diagnose diabetes?

  23. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    Great info!!...Thanks :)
  24. How do you diagnose diabetes?

    With the Dr. I work with, if we suspect diabetes the first labs ordered are fasting bs, HBAIC, and a UA.....the HBAIC tells us if this has been going on for a longer period of time or if it is an acute onset issue, We rarely order glucose tolerance t...
  25. i need some honest feedback

    A&P is alot of memorization, but its also VERY interesting, which makes it easier to digest...I really liked it.......And when you get further into your nursing classes, you get chances to actually apply what you've learned in A&P, it begins ...