

Emergency Department

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About ExtraShotNoWhip

ExtraShotNoWhip has 6 years experience and specializes in Emergency Department.

Latest Activity

  1. Wanted: cool name for a team

    Echo delta
  2. 5th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    I heard they got mandated on a
  3. 4th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    so I was standing on the corner minding my own business and some guy hit
  4. Is this professional?

    My best guess is she is showing off her sunglasses, or as someone else said, maybe she likes how her hair looks with them on it. Maybe she is afraid someone will steal them if off her person and not...
  5. When and how did AN begin?

    Thank you
  6. Is this the norm?!?

    Keep your
  7. What grosses YOU out?

    Dirty mouth with the tongue fuzz and white/yellow/green/brown disgustingness on every oral surface. However suctioning and normal phlegm does not bother
  8. sending an online thank you after interview

    Unfortunately that nice, thoughtful, extra little guesture appears to be mandatory, now. Send it Good luck
  9. How hard is nursing school? Another question...

    I didn't think nursing school was hard just very time consuming. Also it requires a different thinking process. You will learn/reinforce critical thinking skills. The test questions will be the type...
  10. The LPN trap

    Yes, at least the area I live in, LPN oppertunities are LTC or "simple" home health cases. I have been an LPN for 3 years, just passed my RN boards last Monday :clpty: Despite my 3 years of nursing...
  11. One Born Every Minute

    What, The Bachelor is not real?!?!?!!! p.s. I laugh at that part of the commercial
  12. Yet another CEN!!!

  13. Stress Relief after a BAD shift?

    I play with play-doh. When angry I sqeeze and squish it, roll it into logs, fold it onto itself and punch it down like, well, dough. After that calms me down I make creatures and shapes and just have...
  14. Hip, hip, hooray. Congrats Brian and crew...."who wouldda thunk" :lvan:
  15. What does your username mean?

    I am quite fond of Starbucks and I order my drink with an extra shot of espresso and no whip cream. Also, when dealing with patients, and people in general I do not sugar coat things. Extra shot... I...