bloatedputti MSN, RN



All Content by bloatedputti

  1. bloatedputti

    CCRN "Cram Cram Repetition Nail it"

    Sorry, I never saw this question. Yes, know those superficially. I assume you took test already. Just know the main ones of regurge, stenosis and where to listen to on exam. Aortic, pulmonic, triscupid, mitral where to place scope. what s & s se...
  2. bloatedputti

    CCRN "Cram Cram Repetition Nail it"

    I decided after 28 years, to clean house with my nursing career. I freshened up my resume, took all the free online CEU courses I could, and yet something was still missing. I already had a Masters Degree in Nursing and worked in ICU/ PACU. I origina...
  3. bloatedputti

    male nurses

    YES, YES! Let's dilute all of the estrogen a bit. Tired of all the backstabbing,grudges, nepotism, whining, gossiping, bullying, favoritism. We women behave better when men are around. That's MY opinion.
  4. bloatedputti

    when you feel creeped out

    People come in all types. We can't pick and choose. Here are some deal breakers for me: physical contact, throwing objects, fluids, or spitting, threatening comments by patient or visitors,extreme personality clashes, ethical dilemmas- I feel all of...
  5. bloatedputti

    Is LinkedIn Necessary?

    I guess its only valuable to one if they 1. found an employee or 2. a job by it. In my case, it opened a whole new world to me in terms of companies, positions, and recruiters. I had 3 solid leads for jobs by being part of Linkedin over traditional...
  6. bloatedputti

    Jury Duty

    I'll say something really un PC. Let all of the unemployed, those loving it, getting paid to do so, and retired people do it. Yes, the system doesn't give a darn about working people or those with kids. Come wait all day in a room, only to be cancell...
  7. bloatedputti

    Private Grumbling but NO Open Discussion!

    Yes! You are correct. Hemorrhaging of staff is almost universal now!! Managers need to wake up! I've worked 28 years and only seen handful of those that care. So frustrating. They get in their offices and get accustomed to the good life- surfing inte...
  8. bloatedputti

    Private Grumbling but NO Open Discussion!

    It's so sad that I have to agree with most of you all. Speaking up is brave, but it all too often has repercussions. There are lazy managers, unethical leaders, inexperienced leaders..... Nurses are often promoted to these positions without the neces...
  9. bloatedputti

    Seven Hells: Vent

    Nobody can tell you how to feel or what to do. It doesn't sound like she values you for reasons you may not even be aware of. Hiring people is somewhat of a subjective process because we are human beings. You could (a) finish out your residency becau...
  10. bloatedputti

    Bedside report - hate it? Like it? Love it?

    You nailed it! Hope Managers are following this thread. Maybe family should be allowed in the OR too???
  11. bloatedputti

    Bedside report - hate it? Like it? Love it?

    Bedside? I guess if you want to listen to a bunch of stories, complaints, questions. The patient and family have all day to do that. Professionals need to speak privately,without editing for the patients sake.OF COURSE we share sensitive info that th...
  12. bloatedputti

    Customer satisfaction callbacks

    Total waste of time and taxpayer's money. We don't have to call just once, but 2 attempts! Spoiled people making petty complaints about coffee, the chairs in the waiting room, and the "How dare you make me wait!" mentality. Maybe Americans would like...
  13. bloatedputti

    In desperate need of advice

    I like your idea about Nutritionist. Nursing doesn't seem like the ideal match for you. It's ok. There are plenty of other jobs in the world that make a difference in people's lives. Open your mind and heart to other options. Speech Therapy, Occupat...
  14. bloatedputti

    problem with my DON, help!

    Guess what. Once a jerk, always a jerk. You will have future problems. Run as fast as you can. They don't deserve you. I've been at this a long time. I can sniff out the bad bosses. There's no point in trying to stick it out, report it, or pretend...
  15. bloatedputti

    Top ethical concerns to RNs

    Massive waste of healthcare dollars for terminally ill patients, usually related to family members who cant accept death. Guarantee that if they had to pony up the money, they'd pull the plug.
  16. Welcome to the world of managers who rise through the ranks, but some who aren't meant to be leaders. You've experienced a negative feedback loop, and will now be hesitant to report concerns in the future. There was NO reason the manager needed to o...
  17. bloatedputti

    Major Med Error

    Highly doubt a correlation. Ativan 2mg is nothing. Although if the Supe thought it could be the cause, Flumazenil could have easily rule this in or out. Don't beat yourself up. you had NO ill intentions. I've seen it all...... This is not up there i...
  18. bloatedputti

    Accused by patient of stealing his percocet

    Set limits. Don't bend over backwards for drug seekers. Don't divert personnel for these people. They suck the system dry. Watch your patients take their pills ( if you didn't). I agree, there should be an alert by his name that 2 nurses witness his ...
  19. bloatedputti

    Quitting without a notice

    I disagree. If a workplace is unsafe, emotionally intolerable, abusive, harassing,etc. you have the right to leave without notice. We're not in Russia. Bosses have no qualms about firing people at the start of their shift, leaving everybody short. ...
  20. bloatedputti

    My DON came to my house today

    Sounds like you used good judgement, but neither you nor the next nurse followed it through. Push push push when lab values or any other assessment is abnormal. The DON is out of line. No question. This may have ruined your relationship. Only you c...
  21. bloatedputti

    Least Favorite Things Patients Say

    OMG. These are all spot on! People turn into little children when we baby them. They get food, attention, control. They take it too far.Patients also have responsibilities-to cooperate, not be abusive, and follow the rules. Unfortunately, they think ...
  22. bloatedputti

    Drug seekers

    I agree with you. This is however a very complex problem. The system supports it. Illegal drug smuggling and manufacturing, doctors over prescribing, mental illness, crime, abuse,poverty, all of these things can lead to drug abuse. It's up to the ph...
  23. bloatedputti

    Very Low Dose Insulin Administration

    Let's be cost conscious here. Pens, drips from pharmacy, compounded diluted insulin?? Just use a non safety needle. Not all injections have safety needles. The old saying "don't recap" will work just fine here.
  24. bloatedputti

    Interview Question that has me stumped

    Don't beat yourself up. You did fine. Nobody knows it all. Best practice standards are not all universally used. You would follow your facility policies. Interviewers ask the dumbest questions. "What are your weaknesses? Do you like people?" Come on...
  25. bloatedputti

    New Grad 5 days orientation

    Not enough time. Tell them professionally that you are looking forward to the best possible care and high standards for their patients. In order to achieve this as a new graduate, you feel that 3 weeks minimum of preceptoring would be what you need....