I realize that nursing school didn't teach me everything. I respect and I want to learn from the older nurses, they have seen a lot more than I have. I don't want their schedule, because there is no...
I wasn't allowed during school either. We did get to practice on mechanical arms. Had to learn on the job and it is way different on a real person. I will say, once you get a few under your belt it...
I've learned that seasoned nurses "really do eat their young" which I don't understand because I would never treat a new nurse like I have been treated by some, not all seasoned nurses. I've learned...
Good luck on your first day! You will be fine. Don't worry about being slow, just take care of your patients. I am new at my job too. I remember my first night by myself, I was worried about the...
No shift is easy. I currently work 11pm-8am. And patients do not sleep all night like the other shifts claim. There are only two of us on midnights taking care of 32 patients. I have to take...
I took my state test in Michigan. I had to do three skills test and washing hands was considered part of every skill. In Michigan if you don't pass the skills you don't get to take the written test....
I am currently a CNA and also have a certificate from a local community college as a phlebotomist. I was trying to get certified in my state, but because we didn't do a "clinical" We did our pokes on...
Hello Diego, I took classes for CNA training at a local community college that was 12 weeks long, three days a week for $800. Once I passed the class I was able to take the test to get certified...