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  1. Getting NCLEX-RN results in California

    LiOyd.. dId you get your results yet? we do have the same case.... hope we'll
  2. pearson vue web "trick"

    jwlzbsn. i appreciate your concern.. ill keep my fingers crossed and still hoping for the best to
  3. pearson vue web "trick"

    ok. ill pray for all of us... i know waiting is the hardest part .. but we should try to be positive in this point in time. take a break.. just think that anytime soon, we will be an
  4. jenhope. yeah its really a torture.. im happy you did it.. Youre an RN now.. and hopefully ill get my license too.. waaah!! this week was definitely the worst days of my
  5. blessedrn.. thanks for the keeping my hopes up.. i will wait until it official.. for now, i need your prayers,, can i ask when/how did you get the
  6. lynnerz83.. yeah i think we still have to wait maybe 2 more weeks.. im keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us... keep ourselves distracted.. we should have a little faith,, keep me posted,,...
  7. pearson vue web "trick"

    Oh my! is this really true? this is upsetting... i tried it just now and it let me register until i reach the payment page.. i think i need to study all over
  8. thanks silverdragen,, i appreciate your concern. but they keep on saying that i should have the results in 3-4 days cuz i have everything on hand.. (like
  9. congratulations jenhope!!!.. how long did you get your results? did you saw your name at BRN site? do you have SSN? cuz i have SSN and i still dont see my name posted.. its been a week of
  10. I think I failed at 75 questions

    gapeach1978 i know you'll pass,,,, ill pray for you.. try to do things that will distract you from thinking too much about the
  11. hi i took nclexrn in ca 2/24/09.. and im just wondering that i havent seen my name on BRN site.. im really anxious like you guys waiting and still waiting for the results.. i dont want to assume that...