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About futuregaspasser

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  1. My dilemma with 75Q

    Good luck, keeping my fingers crossed for you. My husband took 75Q mostly drugs he hadn't heard of, some priority, and he unfortunately did not make
  2. Anyone near the St. Georges area??

    I am not LDS (Mormon) and I am an RN in the hospital in St. George. The hospital does not discriminate against non-mormons. However, mormons can tend to make you feel like an outsider. That goes for...
  3. Would you recommend your NICU/hospital?

    What is the doctor/nurse relationship like there. I am used to neo's that treat the nurses with respect and don't degrade you for "dumb" questions. Also our manager is great and supports our "down"...
  4. Primary nursing in the NICU

    As I mentioned in my post we have nurses float to our unit a lot and work with our grower feeders. I have had parents of my previously "primary" assignments comment to me about this, and how they...
  5. Primary nursing in the NICU

    Yes and no. We do primary in a perfect world. Usually though it is more like you get your same babies for the three days you work (if your days are in a row). Primary works better on the younger...
  6. Nicu Salaries in Los Angeles Area

    Call me naive, but why is this? Are prices of houses climbing as fast there as they are in my neck of the woods? If this is the case, our salaries have no hope of climbing, even though real estate has...
  7. Would you recommend your NICU/hospital?

    Never thought about that area, thanks, I will do some
  8. Would you recommend your NICU/hospital?

    Here is the deal, I am a NICU RN, DH graduates nursing school in December and is interested in Psych, but is open. I LOVE where I work, the hospital, managers, doctors, coworkers, everything (though I...
  9. Former NICU moms becoming NICU nurses?

    I am a former NICU Mom turned NICU nurse and I have found my calling. Prior to my DD being born at 30 weeks and spending 3 1/2 weeks in NICU, I worked in the Operating Room. I swore I would never...
  10. Is it like this everywhere??

    I just wanted to type you a quick note to tell you not to be discouraged. I am also a new grad (May of '05) working in NICU. I absolutely LOVE it and everyone in it. They are all very helpful, willing...
  11. Considering a move to Boise...

    Wow! Glad I happend upon this thread. I am going to Boise in two weeks to check things out. We won't be able to move until Dec. though, as that is when DH graduates from nursing school. By the sounds...
  12. Branston or Table Rock Lake area??

    I actually work in a level III Neonatal ICU. I love it there and am not sure I want to give it up. So I am not sure if the area is right for me. Is there anything within driving
  13. Branston or Table Rock Lake area??

    Thanks Jenksb! That is exactly what I am looking for. Do you have anymore info you can
  14. Branston or Table Rock Lake area??

    Thank you. I will definately do some
  15. Branston or Table Rock Lake area??

    My husband and I are looking to relocate when he is through with nursing school (I am a nurse also). I am interested in Branson or Table Rock Lake area. Can anyone tell me more about it? Are there...