Gennaver MSN

Ortho, Med surg and L&D

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About Gennaver

Gennaver has 13 years experience as a MSN and specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.

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  1. Gennaver

    Stop Hating on Psych Nurses

    Last year I got hired as an in house float nurse and was SO very surprised to find out how much I liked working the Psych ward. I have always been a fan of cognitive behavioral theory and "owning"...
  2. I agree with you, the OP doesn't have an internal problem. She or he likely isn't a "server-helper" person who is willing to be treated badly for the greater good of 'helping.' Not everyone gets an...
  3. Hi, I think you did an amazing job getting the degree, a job AND doing 3 years in the ED as well as outpatient IV transfusion clinic. Shoot, lady all of this on top of you disliking it. I'd say you...
  4. Gennaver

    "I've never done this before"

    Honesty, with discretion but, always
  5. Gennaver


    Hello, If they are hiring for night shift they need someone who wants to be on nightshift. I would be honest and not apply for this job but, let them know what you are interested in. I don't think...
  6. Hi, Firstly, I am sure you know by now that taking responsibility is NOT all your fault. The only error I see is in leaping in to quickly. Also, leaving after you realized there were incompatibilities...
  7. Gennaver

    Mini Rant

    I hear you and agree that hiring algorithms and resume scrubbers weed out those people who may actually be the best match if met in person. Instead, facilities are likely filtering out as many good...
  8. Gennaver

    Help! Turned Down for 5 Jobs

    Yes. One told me at the end of the interview, "I have to let you know we need you to defend or explain your credit report." I was lucky that mine was easily explained and they still offered me the...
  9. Gennaver

    Manager Retaliatiin

    I agree, as far as I understand it medicating someone as you described is a chemical restraint.
  10. Gennaver

    Help! Turned Down for 5 Jobs

    It really seems like it could be your references if you landed an interview and felt they went great. Possibly weed out your reference list to people you really know can give you a good recommendation...
  11. Gennaver

    USAGPAN 2020

    Good luck to all the USAGPAN applicants. Its been over 9 years since I 'started' that program. However, it was a long time ago in the scheme of things and I only lasted 5 weeks into the awesome...
  12. Gennaver

    Is it wrong to leave a job during orientation?

    This morning I finalized my decision in my own recent orientation situation. I had 4 shifts orientation, (maybe it was 5 but it ended over 2 weeks ago, these were 8 hour shifts.) I had 2 shifts on one...
  13. Gennaver

    Manager Retaliatiin

    I want to share a link here that lists out some options at the end, (it also lists some traits of toxic bosses.)
  14. Gennaver

    Manager Retaliatiin

    As you describe above it surely does not sound like verbal abuse and honestly, even if you were verbally abusive wouldn't she have to first give a. verbal warning before writing you up? I would...
  15. Gennaver

    How Robocalls Are Threatening a New Health Crisis

    I just got the "robokiller" app on my phone. It has the option to use "answer bots" to keep the robocallers on the line as long as possible with prerecorded answering hassles. I enabled that too,...