
sandnnw BSN, MSN, EMT-B, APRN

Emergency, MCCU, Surgical/ENT, Hep Trans

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About sandnnw

sandnnw has 20 years experience as a BSN, MSN, EMT-B, APRN and specializes in Emergency, MCCU, Surgical/ENT, Hep Trans.

You don't have time, although if you buy me lunch...we'll talk!

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  1. Probably depends on the comfort level of each provider. I work along side a PA, we see the same thing and bounce off questions all the time. She was trained more surgically, I have been UCC/EM, so...
  2. NP Salary

    Just to piggyback, it does depend on where/how you work AND if you are a senior RN. In my case, there was very little salary increase, I'm figuring a few grand. Granted, my situation is a bit...
  3. You will learn WHAT is important now, in 5" and in 15". Disgusting as it sounds, feces is not emergent, nor is charting and certainly not stewardess type services. Give it a few more weeks and...
  4. This will help you: I find it most helpful, the articles are very interesting reading! And, who better to trust than
  5. Experienced NP desiring VA job

    Make sure your peers respond quickly thru
  6. Working for the VA

    And it may take three to six months before fully on board. Be patient, good things
  7. VA NPs malpractice coverage question

    I do not have coverage. I have been named in three suits and never asked for a deposition. I am threatened for liable several times per year, usually over narcotics or antibiotics. Oh how I LOVE...
  8. Experienced NP desiring VA job

    Lubbock, I think you'll be fine. As a VA NP myself, it really depends upon the market and you appear to have plenty of experience. I recently interviewed six NPs, 4 with tons of experience, 1 with...
  9. What's your "must have" app?

    First Consult very handy as
  10. Advanced Pathophys Textbook

    Checkout, esp if you have a tablet or don't want to spend a
  11. This article was handed out to us during my first semester during grad school (VU) Rich ER. Does RN experience relate to NP clinical skills?Nurse Pract. 2005 Dec;30(12):53-6. After studying, observing...
  12. Would you do it over again?

    Either are fine, I've worked alongside a PA my entire NP career. I believe (my opinion only) that PAs are more surgically and broadly prepared for just about any job out of school. As Ivan noted,...
  13. current Adult NP considering FNP??

    Another ANP here. I thought about the same thing! Took me ~6 months to even find a job. They even offered to pay to send me back to school, but i declined as I did not plan on staying with that...
  14. Another ANP here. Your correct, GYN care is very limited in the ANP world and I think its so for a purpose. We covered the PAP, STDs and BCPs and that's about it. This is why we have WHNP! Imagine...
  15. Out of state RX

    Actually, your DEA is "practice" setting. If you work for three different employers, you should have three different DEA numbers. If you work for ONE employer at three different hospitals, then you...