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All Content by babyboys

  1. I applied to a very reputable local NP school here in Mississippi. The length of the program was a year and I met all of the qualifications. I was extremely hurt and upset when I received my denial letter. I thought the interview went great and I was...
  2. positive advice about Walden University NP program

    Thank you, I am still very skeptical and I am scheduled to start class September 3, the only positive thing I have heard is that they are accredited.
  3. positive advice about Walden University NP program

    hi didrun How are things going for you. I am scheduled to begin on Sept 3.
  4. Walden University has new FNP and AGNP Programs

    There is a clinic in less than a mile from my home that stays open to 12 midnight. I know the medical director and several of the nurse practitioners. I plan to go in from 4 til 12 whenever I make it to that point. I have 5 core courses to take and 6...
  5. Walden University has new FNP and AGNP Programs

    I shouldn't have a problem getting 36 hours in for clinical a week. I hope to be able to take two classes at a time when I get started in September. How is the pharmacology course going. That may be the only one I will take alone. My math skills hav...
  6. Walden University has new FNP and AGNP Programs

    Thanks Mark, You have been very helpful. I have read all of your posts and they have been very enlightening. However, All I can say is wow about the 200 papers. I am ok with research but just don't like to do it and my typing skills are awful, but I ...
  7. Walden University students

    hi is there anyone starting the classes at walden fnp program on Sept 3. Can anyone now attending share any information about the coursework and getting preceptors set up.
  8. Walden University has new FNP and AGNP Programs

    HI I will be starting Walden NP program on Sept 4 of this year. Can any of you that has already been in the program share your experience with me? I am terribly nervous.
  9. Maryville University FNP Program Fall 2013

    Congrats to all of you that has been accepted into Maryville. I unfortunately turned them down because of the tuition costs and the length of the program. I continued to search for something more suitable and decided at the last minute to try walden....