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All Content by deasiac

  1. Accelerated A/P class at PCC???

    Which campus are you going to? If it is PCC Take it with Mirkes. She is he best teacher I have ever had. Her students loved her so much they got together and bought her a nintendo wii and a wii fit as a gift. She has outlines made up that you fill ou...
  2. Anybody hear anything?

    I am just starting to get really impatient and am wondering if anybody has heard anything from MHCC, Linfield, or OHSU? I am starting to go a little crazy and am trying to gauge how long until I might hear something :redbeathe
  3. Anybody hear anything?

    Did you apply to the ABSN? Did you talk to them about why you didn't get in and that is what they told you? The 23 still feels really far away.
  4. Legal Dilemma! Scared! LONG

    I was caught shoplifting when I was 12. I applied to volunteer at a hospital and they said as long as you disclose what they will find and it has been a while it is ok.
  5. OHSU and other PDX area applicants for 2009

    Does that mean the letter sent out by MHCC saying we should hear from them in 30 days wasnt true? I am starting to get really impatient!
  6. Acceptance letter Month!

    Good luck I look forward to hearing your news!
  7. OHSU and other PDX area applicants for 2009

    I think there is a bit of a problem with PCC. So many people are being rejected because of the date of their reading test. I was going to apply there but I took my reading test too late. It all seems really silly to me.
  8. OHSU and other PDX area applicants for 2009

    I just turned in my application for the OHSU OCNE program. Good luck to all of you! I am excited to hear when people start hearing back even though it is so far away!