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About gingereh

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  1. Frustrating CNO process for IENs

    Mount Royal still has a bridging program. As an IEN who did have all her "ducks in a row" when I came to Canada, the attitude from some long time posters here towards any immigrant asking how to...
  2. IEN in Alberta- any luck with jobs?

    Responding to aywl, since I haven't posted enough to send you a private message back... I have a BSN from the states and I came to Canada on a marriage visa. I applied to CARNA right after I got...
  3. IEN in Alberta- any luck with jobs?

    I am an IEN from the US and I was hired on as a casual employee with AHS a few months after I moved to Canada in early 2012. What a mess it was then, and seems to have only gotten worse. Now I am...
  4. Hello all, I searched this forum and the CARNA website for approximate processing times for an IEN applying to be an RN in Canada, the best I could come up with was about 10 weeks but that was from...
  5. Crabbit Old Woman

    Our instructor in an older adult class read the original poem to us just last week and it made me get teary. I didn't know about the nurse's reply, which is also beautiful. Thank you for posting
  6. So very mad!!!

    I took fundamentals last semester and I remember getting the wedding band question as well. The textbook we used (Kozier & Erb 8th ed.) mentioned it in the paragraph about preparing the patient's...
  7. This video has been circulating around facebook as well. If you watch the video they say it was the seasonal flu shot that caused her dystonia, not the H1N1