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About LG1137

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  1. End of CCT Nurses in California?

    Hospital based? EMS based? Private or
  2. Narcan for School Nurses?

    Why defer to EMTs? Why is the discussion so resistant to Narcan? It's not going to hurt the patient, and it may save a life. It's safer to give than
  3. Narcan for School Nurses?

    Narcan is used also to RULE OUT opiate overdose - give narcan to see for a response, if so, probably opiate OD. The only side effect is immediate withdrawal. Don't defer to the police department! They...
  4. Passed CCRN!

    Good job on passing the
  5. I passed CCRN!

    Congrats, kimmini, way to go! Thanks for sharing
  6. U.S ICU-RN Bound for Melbourne, Australia

    Good onya! Look forward to following your
  7. Nurse to Firefighter

    Avenger - awesome work! Inspiring accomplishments. (I also wish I had a job where I could get some school work done
  8. Did you find an answer? Curious what it is
  9. New Grad- Santa Cruz, CA area

    Prisons pay very well, but as a former CA state worker of 20 years, I'm not sure about the
  10. Please advise: trauma center v. non-trauma center

    As best as I can remember, there was an essay but not a lot of them. The quizzes were not hard. I'm not a very disciplined online student, so if I made it through, it must not be too hard. Good...
  11. Incredible account, thanks for sharing!!!
  12. End of CCT Nurses in California?

    This is very interesting - thanks for
  13. New Grad- Santa Cruz, CA area

    Frankly, you are in a tough position. The market is tight where you are at. My good friend lives in Santa Cruz and is well established there. His wife had to take a job at a skilled care facility. One...
  14. New Grad desires to work in ED

    I pulled it off a year ago, and there were other new grads hired with me. The ED manager has since told me, "It's not like there are Certified Emergency Nurses walking in looking for work," and he...
  15. Career prospects in NM?

    The job market here, it seems, is like all other places. Be persistent, and make personal contact with the manager before or when you submit your application. I was hired one year ago as a new grad,...