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All Content by ASacco

  1. Mesa Boswell Program

    Hi! Just got accepted into the Boswell Program! I wanted to see if anyone has too?
  2. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Wow thanks for the heads up gosh i was going to eat an "everything" bagel this morning. guess not lol. this is a goofy question but did you get a clip thing for your ID yet? Excited for tomorrow whoo hoo see you soon. a.
  3. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    we totally need to meet at orientation. It won't be hard to find out who i am with the "original" user name i picked lol. azstu25 you will for sure have to let us know how it goes. I wish we could start ready early. MurseNick still snowboarding?
  4. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    lmao i know were all refusing to use a rolling suitcase... ugh me us all end up getting one:lol2:
  5. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    whoo hoo high five right back at ya MurseNick!!!!!!!!!
  6. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    got an email this morning with a revised schedule that we still have orienation on the 13th but now class starts until the 24th and we will have class on wed now too that week
  7. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    LMAO yup guess we don't have to do a car wash!!!! whoo hooo :)
  8. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    good point abt not getting one t0nexpensive if it gets stolen....what says do you go to class? i go mon tues thur and fri
  9. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    The nurse pack i heard was a total rip off. I have a friend going into blk 4 and she said they didn't use it that much ugh!!! i called gcc today about the nursing pk of books said they didn't get blk 1 yet just blk 3 hopefully in next week. guess i'l...
  10. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    hi everyone!!! cant believe that its almost here yikes! getting excited and nervous... so i think i entered into the wrong forum lol since it was priority placement and everyone works in the health field except me. i ordered my bundle of books wai...
  11. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Nope I haven't gotten anything yet....
  12. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Sorry I don't know about youngtown I'm taking nur151 too sounds like I'm with MurseNick since I have classes Mon Tues and Thurs clinicals on Friday. I finished all my co-reqs too. Thanks God, one less thing to worry about....
  13. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    mursenick that's awesome you got a lot of your stuff done and you got together with some grads my friend now going into blk for gave me her fundamentals of nursing book and her dvd's vol 1 and 2 but it's the older set not the newer one required so yo...
  14. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Here's the link for the books.... if you go to banner boswell nursing program and on the left click on current students ...
  15. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    my friend is going into blk 4 and she said there is two blk 1 classes and then in blk 2 we come together. going to vegas and cali nice!! was just in vegas the past two weekends live it up now since I won't be able to soon. I need to find a lap top, ...
  16. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    I probably need to reg for that math class, your right about being prepared as much as possible. No my classes are Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri Are you going to keep working? I need to give my notice next week yikes.... No i haven't bought my stethoscop...
  17. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    No I have not my ID card yet. Gosh need to soon, need to hurry and find the time. So it seems like me and MurseNick are in the same class. No I didn't reg yet AZstu25 yet for that math class at Gcc how much was it????? Your right everything is addin...
  18. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    here's from my teacher....mursenick which letter did you receive? it sounds like from this letter we can use our phones aren't the iphone and deroid smartphones? it sounds like the "other" letter says itouch so you don't have to spend the monthly ...
  19. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Here's what I found in the handbook...... The Use of Information Technology Pagers, cell phones, and/or all-in-one electronic devices disrupt lectures and clinical experiences. Place on a silent mode or turn it off. Personal cell phone calls o...
  20. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Ok So I got an email and it says that the refresher courses are for BLK 3 and ugh! I thought I read somewhere that we can use the iphone, but we cant use for personal use and that they can check our phones at anytime were on it to see, I have to fin...
  21. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    I got hit with the out of state fees too, but I called today and they took care of it asap. I emailed --- abt the math refresher course and she said she didn't know to check on the GCC website, I couldn't find it, so if you can can you let me know to...
  22. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    I just got an email from --- that I'm now registered :) Where are the math classes going to be?
  23. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    I got my nursing pack too, but nothing else yet yikes! I have an iphone 3 that my brother gave me so I'll be using that. Is downloading the books hard? All the unknowns are making me nervous. When and where is the math refresher, that would be a good...
  24. Anyone accepted to Mesa Boswell Priority placement???

    Whoo hoo congrats congrats!!! I will be going to Boswell in Jan too!!! I just turned in all my paperwork to ------ this morning so she can register me!! I'm nervous too, but it will be worth it!!!
  25. Mesa Boswell Program

    Whoo Hoo!!!! I'm excited to start, but nervous too!!!! I wonder or have you received your packet yet? I know we need to get our CPR card, (which not sure which class to take) and I don't know what immunizations we need to get?? Yikes do you know???