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All Content by Ciale

  1. Yeah, blood type but only because I'm applying the "Test Strategy Rules". They only put pertinent information in the question so you have to ask "why do I care if he's been drinking?" Alcohol is a blood thinner and while I don't think a nail gun inju...
  2. Ciale

    New Graduate Nurse in the NICU :)

    So how's it going, ckey01?
  3. Ciale

    Lazy techs!!!!!

    Hm. Our CT and Xray folks have to put pts back on monitors. Also, do you have a lot of high acuity patients? We do and so that's why we usually record vs a lot more frequently than q 1 hour and why our techs are better served doing more patient care ...
  4. Ciale

    Lazy techs!!!!!

    HiddencatRN, it's not inefficient for the techs to get vitals if your monitors don't automatically record that information. I assumed that most modern devices in emergency rooms have that capability. Apparently not.
  5. Ciale

    Lazy techs!!!!!

    I'm confused. What is this "obtaining vital signs q 2 hours" business? All (well, 90%) of our patients are strapped to BP cuffs that automatically inflate q 15 minutes or however often you want them noted. What a complete waste of time and resources ...
  6. Ciale

    New Graduate Nurse in the NICU :)

    So I'm finishing up my 3rd semester and loved my NICU rotation. It was the first time in nursing school that I could actually see myself working on that unit and really enjoying it. I don't know how to go about it of the nurses on the un...
  7. Ciale

    Shoes. Yes. Shoes.

    So this could have gone on a different board but other nurses don't typically move around and maneuver patients like ER nurses do. What are the best shoes for 12 hour shifts? I can't do danskos or crocs.
  8. 5'2.5, skinny, no butt, no hips. The only pair of scrubs that fit are Koi size XXS and cherokee xxs. I'd like to venture out beyond these two pairs but everything else looks like I'm drowing in em. Can't do: Urbane, Gray's anatomy, Wink, Med Coutur...
  9. Ciale

    Lazy techs!!!!!

    I'm a tech so I gotta represent on here. :) I am often "nowhere to be found" because I'm constantly asked to do 5 things at once. I often don't use the restroom or eat and by the end of a 12 hour shift it takes every ounce of energy just to get out o...
  10. Ciale

    Shoes. Yes. Shoes.

    I tried on a pair of the Alegrias and they were awesome! SOOO comfy but I couldn't really dig the style. I've alwyas been a sneaker type of gal
  11. Ciale

    Sometimes you just can't bite your tongue.....

    Only once? We get this at least once a month.
  12. Ciale

    Sometimes you just can't bite your tongue.....

    HAHAHA. Ah you are my hero. That is awesome.
  13. Ciale

    "Nurses Are So Mean"

    ALSO, we just had a meeting with our director about "bullying". Yes a bunch of nurses men and women ages 22-62 had to be scolded for bullying the new staff members. A new doctor even complained after he heard the "creative" nickname that one of them ...
  14. Ciale

    "Nurses Are So Mean"

    I could not DISagree with this post more. You're making excuses for people being crappy to one another. When I found out my husband cheated on me and the day my dog died, I didn't take it out on my coworkers/nursing student. Just the opposi...te...I ...
  15. Ciale

    Becoming traumatized by school!!

    Poor question writing is all I can think of. If you know the material well and can rationalize two answers as correct, there's no reason you should miss them. I hate nursing school.
  16. Ciale

    Which ER is best fit?

    You know you have a hard-on for trauma if this statement instills both envy and a surge of adrenaline in you. Jealous. The most. OP, sounds like you made a good decision and a pay raise never hurts either. :)
  17. Ciale

    Failed Med/Surg by 3/10 point

    Amen, sister! Although today I got to see a craniotomy in clinical. AWESOME.
  18. Ciale

    Failed Med/Surg by 3/10 point

    My comment about the "unhelpful" post was to one specific poster. I find 90% of the responses helpful so I have no idea why you just said that and neither do you. You obviously didn't read through all the responses. Secondly, you're right, test taki...
  19. Ciale

    Which ER is best fit?

    Original poster, as you can see it's really going to be a personal preference. The burb hospital sounds like it's bigger and "fancier" for lack of better word which means they probably have butt loads of applicants which would explain why HR seemed r...
  20. Ciale

    Which ER is best fit?

    ER tech of one year here...go to the 'burbs. Less risk of early burn out. Also, did you tour both departments? See if you can observe on a trauma day. It will give you a chance to see what kind of leadership is on staff and how they are during stress...
  21. Ciale

    Best scrubs for scrawny chicks

    Let me know if you find something!
  22. Ciale

    Stopping IV infusions

    What drug infusions should you NEVER stop? For instance, the patient needs to go to the bathroom but doesn't want to wheel the pump in there with them...
  23. Ciale

    Stopping IV infusions

    Nice! Thanks so much for all the feedback, guys. This really helps.
  24. This is how I see it -- The economy is bad which has forced a lot of hospitals to lay off staff and work with a shortage of nurses. Since a lot of nurses across the country were layed off, hospitals are basically cherry-picking when it comes to hirin...
  25. Ciale

    Stopping IV infusions

    Interesting. I work in the ER and they always (from what I've noticed) disconnect tubing unless it's "something that can't be stopped". Maybe this is just an ER thing? I remember helping a woman to the bathroom who had to go by wheelchair and had a g...