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All Content by Ciale

  1. Ciale


    Must be nice. We've always been in hot water over patient satisfaction scores, management concocting some hair-brain scheme every month to improve scores which really just irritates staff, lowers morale, and in my opinion, negatively impacts patient ...
  2. Ciale


    The telephone calls are my favorite. Here's one I got the other day (keep in mind we have a long recording that says we do NOT give med advice over the phone) "Hey I know y'all said that you don't give medical advise over the phone, but my jaw pops w...
  3. Ciale


    Here is my "patient" response you what you just wrote.... "OH SO YOU'RE SAYING I'M NOT SICK!?!?! YOU'RE JUST GONNA THROW ME IN THE HALL?!?! I HAVE SEIZURES, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEEEANS?!? THIS IS SOME STRAIGHT UP *insert expletive* ! Y'ALL ARE A BU...
  4. Ciale

    Tech vs. RN

    ED Tech here (RN in one month WAHOO!). I tend to agree with you, OP. Similar situation in my department. I think a lot of it has to do with them feeling like they worked hard to become a paramedic and have seen/done a lot already compared to some nur...
  5. Ciale

    Oh crap, what do I do?

    Tell the truth. Immediately. They will find out and fire you. I know of 3 nurses in just the past two years that were fired because they didn't tell anyone about their "honest mistake". They will find out. I don't know how they do but they do. If thi...
  6. Ciale


    Oh HAAAAILLL NO! I hope you told them what's UP. The attitude is a product of our own doing. The more you give to the people, the less they will work and poverty increases. Tolstoy said that over a century ago.
  7. Ciale


    Right!??! That's what I asked the paramedics but they said legally they HAVE to transport them. It's different from state to state I guess. I dunno...just ridiculous.
  8. Ciale

    Cursing on the job

    Alright so maybe this is a sign of burnout but most of us (not all of us) in my ED curse (sometimes loudly) while on the job. Usually its related to frustration. We were so incredibly busy yesterday and all of us were getting our butts handed to us. ...
  9. Ciale

    Cursing on the job

    Personally, I don't think it's ever too early to get a head start.
  10. Ciale


    DITTO! Here's for some ER abuse: Man calls ambulance c/o shOB, arrives to ED with NO shob, lungs CTA, o2 100%...then states "he has business to take care of on this side of town and had no ride" so that's why he called an ambulance. Un.freaking.belie...
  11. Ciale


    HA! We're always doing "nothing" for them and YET they KEEP COMING BACK!!! Blagh.
  12. Ciale

    Can nursing students triage ED patients?

    That's not triaging so I definitely would not say that in an interview because it will make it look like you don't know what triaging means. Just say that you were allowed the opportunity to make critical care decisions while working in the ER and ga...
  13. Ciale

    Cursing on the job

    I think this needs to be a new thread. Favorite non-offensive curse word suitable for the work environment. Btw, I'm totally using crap-monkey. I say "balls" a lot. I guess that's still pretty offensive, huh? haha
  14. Ciale

    Cursing on the job

    Cracking. Up. Holy poopwaffles, that was good.
  15. Ciale

    Cursing on the job

    Yeeeah, the patient was not hard of hearing or unable to respond hence my frustration. I'm not some hot-head who just gets irritated at the drop of a hat. My cause for frustration is always valid. And OF COURSE I walked to the patient's room to find ...
  16. Ciale

    Cursing on the job

    Well I commend you. That being said, I now feel much better reading through all the comments! Haha today was another "ARE YOU FU#&%@* KIDDING ME!?" kinda days and we were just lettin' em RIP. :)
  17. Same boat. I think I made the same post a few years ago and got little feedback. I wear unisex solid scrubs size XS from Landau and just hem the pants with that iron-on stuff. Urbane scrubs TOPS (no way I could alter the pants to fit my non-existent ...
  18. Ciale

    getting so frustrated!

    Do not get BOGGED DOWN with the anatomy and physiology of things. Yes, it is important to have a BASIC understanding of them but if your patient is turning blue and not breathing, it's more important to know HOW to react and what immediate interventi...
  19. Ciale

    When will "IT" click?!?

    3rd week triaging on your own!?! WOW! Kudos to you. At my ER, you have to be an ED nurse for at least one year before they'll let you triage.
  20. Ciale

    Best job for new grad?

    Hello, all. I may be jumping the gun on this, but I'm going to graduate in 3 months and still have no idea where I want to work. Is that really bad? I'm kind of interested in NICU but I've been told repeatedly that I wouldn't get a job there as a new...
  21. Ciale

    Chest tubes/thoracotomy

    Wow! Cool! I knew I could find the answers here. I love this site. :)
  22. Ciale

    Chest tubes/thoracotomy

    Just read in my book "the blood lost through chest drainage can be autotransfused back into the patient if needed" SAY WHAAA??!? How would you do THAT?!?
  23. Be careful about who you "write off" as not being a big bad er nurse like yourself. I've seen some of the most unlikely newbies quickly become our better nurses. Just sayin'. Be nice. You were totally clueless at one point too.
  24. Ciale

    Best job for new grad?

    I did a work-study program through a hospital so they are obligated to hire me which is pretty freakin' nice because I know it is difficult for new grads to get jobs let alone the ones they were wanting. That being said, I still have to find an open ...
  25. Ciale

    Best job for new grad?

    Cracking up right now. I see your point. Maybe some hiring manager will get bored and need an experiment...hahaha