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About soniblvn

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  1. Where to get scrubs?

    Aviator clothing company or [email protected] Best scrubs for your $$$ thick, yet comfortable never needs ironing !!! Plus you look sharp and professional....
  2. Maybe I don't understand your question completely, (sorry) What type of patient do you have? Diagnosis, problems etc.... I need more
  3. Team nursing in the ED

    We use it in our ER, and it seems to work, although it is divided into A As for the nurses we only are suppose to get 4 pt's at a time, although I have had up tp 9. Of course if one of your team...
  4. Any nursing tatoo's?

    caduceus the medical symbol would be
  5. Differences Between LPNs/LVNs and RNs

    California is LVN too. I believe the east coast and midwest are LPN. Oh and some of the
  6. Woo Hoo I'am Cancer Free!!!

    I just wanted to tell everyone that my lumpectomy came back free of cancer, and that I I should be on Tamoxifin for 5 year regiment!! I'am so blessed. I had a mammo, and it showed califications ( so...
  7. Got any funny acronyms at your ER???

  8. questions about working in the ed

    Beth, Hi How long will your precept/ orientation be? If your hospital is not trauma level patients, then your experience should be fine. I think you will adapt without too many problems. We have a 6...
  9. Funny Billboards

    We have a hair salon: CURL UP AND DYE. We also have a fitness center by a bakery that says: He who eats sweets, takes up two seats, He who runs get's small
  10. Privacy & Confidentiality in ER

    I work in a ER that is 36 rooms. 6 rooms are seperated by curtains the rest have walls and a curtain at the foot of the bed or a door with a curtain as well. We usually have to resort to putting...
  11. What does your post name reflect about you?

    lvn in busy er ... just the simple truth.. I love ER, and happy to be and
  12. LPN in the ER/ED

    I too work in a busy er. I do basically everything an RN can do except iv meds. I triage ambulances and they co-sign my assessments. I have to have ACLS and PALS certificates, as well as basic cpr. I...
  13. ouch!

    Thanks for the reply. I had a patch on my back..that had pain running all across my right side, and under my arm. turned out to be shingles..... L Lysine it's an amino acid 500 mg tid is what helped...
  14. ouch!

    Has anyone ever had
  15. About last night

    As I lay on my bed, thinking about you, I feel this strong urge to grab you and squeeze you, because I can't forget last night. You came to me unexpectedly during the balmy and calm night, and what...