

Occupational Health Nurse/ case manager

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About JerseyLilly

JerseyLilly has 20 years experience and specializes in Occupational Health Nurse/ case manager.


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  1. Managing 140 to 150 patients per case load

    Dear MoriahRose, If this is a Medicaid program, each individual state mandates its protocol. In NJ, Medicaid patients must be seen initially for an onsite visit, then contacted every 90 days by...
  2. Bedminster, NJ area nursing jobs

    Hello! I think "IMO" is abbreviation for "in my opinion". The poster states that you may have difficulty getting a job in a NJ hospital as hiring criteria is different in New Jersey. Perhaps, you...
  3. Know OSHA

    I would ask for full time hours if you are able to work full time. It sounds like a new business, possibly a new urgent care center??? The OSHA guidelines for record keeping are located...
  4. Certifications?

    Check out these websites for info on COHN-S, or COHN certifications:
  5. Pre-Employment Physical and Pregnant

    Pregnancy is not a crime! Just be honest with your new employer so they will know that you will be out on FMLA when the time comes. The pre-employment exam will probably consist of a urine drug...
  6. Any Occ Health Nurse from Idaho?

    Hi, I am not from Idaho, but I can suggest that you check out the national association for occ health nurses and see if you have a regional chapter that meets. Not all states have an occ health...
  7. What do you do?

    Daisy, The experience the gentleman describes above is not typical in Occupational health nursing! I am sure many of the occupational health nurses on this board can vouch for that. If this is a...
  8. Field Case Management

    I would do some research on the company to get feedback. I recently applied for a workers comp field case manager position with Coventry Workers Comp, but decided not to pursue it as it entailed ALOT...
  9. Hospice case management... is it for me?

    Hello, Hospice nursing is a very special type of nursing, and feel it is very emotionally draining One has to be the type of a person who leaves their work at work and not bring it home. There is a...
  10. I would purchase the "AAOHN Core Curriculum for Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing". Try getting used on Amazon or This text book is put out by the AAOHN. Another suggestion,...
  11. Field Case Mgr. Humana vs. Unitedhealth?

    Try checking this website for reviews on this company and others.....
  12. Suggestions needed for New Nurse and MD Rounds

    Could your worker possibly have adult attention deficit disorder or an underlying anxiety disorder? Perhaps, a one on one, softly spoken dialogue would help along with a template given on providing...
  13. Online MSN in OHN at Univ of Iowa

    Occupational health is definitely moving toward a total health management model where the NP is, due to cost containment, often bypassing the physician and other nurse clinicians. A potential problem...
  14. COHN-S/CM certification

    Hi All, I am selling my COHN-S certification test prep CD by Certistep. Please private e-mail me for more info. I am accepting payment thru PayPal only. Asking $150 postage paid (orginal price...
  15. You have a very nice resume! Here is my have such a broad base of experience. If you are looking for specifically case management positions, I would narrow your objective statement...