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About chinadolltx

chinadolltx has 8 years experience.

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  1. UTHSC Houston FNP Summer/Fall 2016

    I was told this in January "We will notify applicants by the end of
  2. 85 questions

    I had 85 questions and I am gonna go crazy not knowing OMG !!!! I don't think i failed but i don't:heartbeat know
  3. Pearsonvue Trick Is this TRUE? Does it work every time?

    i tried the trick and it blocked me so what dose that mean
  4. 85 vs. 205

    how long did you wait before you tried the trick on
  5. OMG nclex pn second time

    both the q&a and
  6. OMG nclex pn second time

    I have the nclex-pn in 7 DAYS and i am so nervous !!! Please pray for me to pass this test , this is my second time and I still feel like i should change my date and study more. because on ncsbn i am...
  7. Passed NCLEX-PN, this is what I studied

    how long did you
  8. need a plan for nclex-pn second time taking it.

    i have the Saunders book Q&a book also i have kaplan's book for test taking strategies . I tried using the comprehensive and i was so overwhelming to me
  9. I did not pass the nclex-pn this january and i am so sad I had 205 questions though . What does it mean when it says nearing passing ( got nearing passing on 5 and below on 3 so what to do now ). I am...
  10. nclex pn

    I hope with 205 I am still alive !!! LOL I am such a
  11. nclex pn

    thank you so much I hope I pass so I can give you big hugs
  12. nclex pn

    I am so worried i did not do
  13. nclex pn

    I feel like I didnt know anything I just finshed the test and had all 205 questions in there anyway i passed with 205