I have been an ICU nurse the majority of my 30 years in nursing. I started out and am still a diploma RN. I learned "old school" but have kept up with technology and have always felt that at the...
massrn116 replied to Verbatim's topic in MICU, SICU
We used to get vented patients up to chairs, these days patients are overly sedated with fentanyl and versed. One cough and some of the nurses will up the drugs. The intensivists promote a RASS of -2....
I have found the articles very helpful in making me realize I am not "paranoid" and my complaints are not petty. My current nurse manager is SO threatened by my confidence and my ability. She can...
I am finding that lately after 25+years I am also hating the bedside. Mainly because of the backstabbers I work with, a nurse manager that plays favorites and interprets the "rules" based on the...
I work 12 hour shifts in an ICU, I make sure I get at least a 30min. break in that 12 hour period. We used to have the mentality that we were too busy to take breaks or lunch....when I am booked...
Not nice Noahsmama.....anyway...I have worked 25+years in MA and with OT my current gross income is 120,000 at a small community hospital...in it for the long haul I
I got severely ill about 5 years back post flu shot. Could not sit up without getting a severe headache. One thing led to another, neuro visits, CTs, MRIs, LP, being told it was stress, "tight neck...
I have been a nurse a lot of years. I opposed my former peer becoming our nurse manager. It has been about 4 years she has been in the position. Most recently she is forming her "inner circle." It...
massrn116 replied to NSGstudent12's topic in General Nursing
Nursing now for 28 years, many patients have touched my heart. This week I got to care for a patient for a full week +. 88 years old and the first thing he said was "she's a lefty, I'm in good...
In MA it is labor law that after every 6 hours you get 30min. We clock in 15 min before and out 15 min after our shift change. Typically we are lucky to get 30 min, and I must say because it was due...
Thanks for the shoe tip...one other tip for back pain and stiffness The sleep number bed. I suffered all the time from stiffness and back pain my husband talked me into a sleep number bed and I have...
i am an "old" nurse. it use to be that dnr/dni did mean do not treat. in this day and age, even when a patient is alert and oriented, able to make their own decisions, have made their decisions...