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All Content by JoblessRN

  1. Need help! What would you do?

    i am a new grad having a horrendous time trying to find a job (job count now up to 59)... that being said, a good friend that i work with said that she is pretty certain she can get me a job at a very high profile prison in the state where i live. ...
  2. I can very much appreciate your point and concern. I am not taking this personally, so don’t take this as me being defensive. These boards are a way to vent my frustration and anxiety about my current situation. Of the 52 jobs I’ve applied to, I have...
  3. how sickening. pathetic. this makes me pull my hair out even more!!! i would bend. over. backwards. and do your every command if i would be offered a job. i am sooooo annoyed hat these other bratty new grads got their way while i *struggle* to m...
  4. New Grad positions anyone/anywhere???

    Thanks, lperkrn...I applied to both those jobs on yesterday (Los Banos & Manteca). is really helpful, too.
  5. Interview where?
  6. Trust me, I wouldn't even *blink* at having to work weekends or holidays...whatever you want, I will be happy to do!
  7. bumping this in hopes of getting more people to write to their Congressman/woman and Senator....
  8. i hope people don't get the feeling that i walked out of nursing school expecting a job - i truly hope i didn't/don't come across that way in my posts. i certainly did not expect to be "beating off recruiters with sticks" (as many of our instructors...
  9. i wrote all of my local news channels about all of this and still haven't heard back. haven't heard from my congresswoman, either.:angryfire even the news doesn't care about new grads! *tongue in cheek*
  10. In all seriousness, my heart is officially broken.
  11. sure, i can completely understand why they don't do it. but, if it came to you filing bankruptcy or going somewhere for a year, what would you do? not sure i get the "walk on me" statement.....i certainly would not be doing this out of spite or on p...
  12. Not sure what you mean by "So?"..... Is that not a big deal to you?
  13. New Grad positions anyone/anywhere???

    LOL. :chuckle. I know, right? Our license is useless. What was the point of jumping through all these hoops anyway?
  14. New Grad positions anyone/anywhere???

    And thank you for making me realize that there's not something wrong with me. I have never been so depressed in my life. We should start a NGA group (New Grads Anonymous).
  15. New Grad positions anyone/anywhere???

    PLEASE let us know where you are!!!! You have at least 3 new grads who would be more than happy to fill those slots!!!!!:bowingpur
  16. YES!! PLEASE write you local Rep!!!!!!
  17. Nurse to Doctor

    i just graduated form nursing school. growing up, i always wanted to be an md or rn, but didn’t think i was smart enough to be an md. i barely passed high school (i won't go into details as to why, but i didn’t have time to concentrate on high school...
  18. I am in California! That seems to be my problem....
  19. Where in TX are you? Are you willing to hire a new grad?
  20. New Grad positions anyone/anywhere???

    hi sc, as you'll see from my other posts, i'm the exact same boat as you are. graduated may 23rd, took nclex july 8th (passed). i have, to date, applied to 36 jobs. i, unbelievably, was able to land 2 interviews, but that was because i knew people t...
  21. i have come to the realization that moving out of state may be necessary. i have discussed this with my husband and it seems i have no choice. he is ok with me moving away for a year and then come back. however, it seems that i am equally stuck be...
  22. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!! I actually was thiking of doing the same.....hopefully it will educate at least some people as to the fallacy of the "nursing shortage" in the US and the absurdity of this stupid Bill.
  23. I really appreciate everyone's kind words! I am having a very hard time right now and I'm fighting to keep a positive attitude going, but it's fading fast.
  24. trust me, the minute i found out about this bill, i tried to write the congressman that introduced it. since he's in florida and i am not, he would not take my email. therefore, i swiftly wrote my congresswoman for my district where i live. i have...
  25. Let me be clear: THERE IS NO NURSING SHORTAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so ****** OFF right now. There are literally thousands of new grads, like myself, who are struggling ALL OVER THE U.S. who can't find jobs for the life of them. This is absu...