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All Content by jeomoz

  1. Seattle University

    Congrats Mnstn! Did you get info on the open house in your acceptance package or via email? I haven't heard anything. Did you apply to the BSN program or the APNI program? My program begins in June. Yeah, tuition is an issue. I called the financial ...
  2. Seattle University

    Congrats twinkletoes12 and orangegirl13! I was accepted too Happy dance for all of us!
  3. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    That is so GREAT! Congrats nightnurse007 OK sammypi go to your happy place--we are ALL thinking happy thoughts for you! :nmbrn:
  4. My specialty is Psych NP w/ Addictions focus. And yours?
  5. Thanks ksc2004! I've already started the apt search. I haven't looked into on-campus housing yet, but will definitely do that. Thanks for the great welcome! I look forward to meeting at the orientation ;D Any news on that?
  6. Any advice on moving to Seattle? I am from the California-Bay area. I'm so excited! Happy Dance
  7. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I think I replied. It's my first PM so, let me know if it didn't work.
  8. OK. I'm ready to join the party. Finally heard back today. AND . . . I'm IN!! Woohoo! Look forward to meeting everyone this summer. I'm so excited-my eye won't stop twitching ;-) Seattle here I come!
  9. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    Sammypi, I guess it's time for me to come out of the shadows. Longtime lurker, first time poster. I'm Alt#3 for the integrated ANP/Psych CNS track. You are in a great but torturous position. I went through the postings for last year and I'm sure Alt...