

School, Hospice, Triage

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About Rosie67

Rosie67 has 13 years experience and specializes in School, Hospice, Triage.

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  1. Chicken pox

    Hi Everyone! Last week a parent called stating her daughter had a rash looking like chicken pox to face and trunk. Student had a fever several days prior. Has had one Varicella. Parent is not very reliable and really couldn't describe lesions to me. ...
  2. Self-care of students diabetes

    I have 2 diabetics in 5th grade this year and several others in the school. One year is a fairly new diagnosis. It seems strange mom wouldn't want and need your support. I have an 8th grader diagnosed 4 yrs ago, now with a pump and just recently ide...
  3. Logging students in ??

    I have 3- 1 inch binders divided up alphabetically. Each student has a sheet with 6 visit comment sections on each side of paper. I note the date and time, C/O, brief assessment,interventions, a check box for parent contact and whether student return...
  4. Weird Requests

    Oh my!! After reading that post re cramps and all- I sure needed this laugh. My police officer heard me laugh in the next office. I can't wait to share that request and the responses. Hee Hee!!! I thought I have had everything come through these door...
  5. Advice need on how to approach hygiene issues

    Ohhh, This happens so often! Sometimes the odor is so pungent that I know there isn't any hugging and kissing going on in that family let alone washing. The way some of these youngsters are raised is disgusting. Several times, when it comes to girls ...
  6. CPS pics and hippa question This is the address- I'm not good at links and fancy computer functions, so you'll have to copy and paste the link. If it doesn't work then search US Department of Education FERPA...
  7. CPS pics and hippa question

    I am sure Martha would have plenty to say. We have had discussions on a listserv recently. Most issues in schools are FERPA and not HIPAA. These discussions prompted me to download the US Department of Education -Joint Guidance on the Application of ...
  8. School breakfast

    I think the point is lost. We are not talking about that poor child who doesn't have food and misses breakfast from circumstances out of his control. I ask several questions when a student comes looking for breakfast. Many CHOOSE to skip breakfast so...
  9. Not sure what to feel

    I had to take a personal/family ill day Friday. My grandfather had Mitral and CABG open heart. A student was throwing cheetos in the air and catching them in his mouth at lunch in the cafeteria. He lodged one and lost color. I was told the security a...
  10. Organization

    I keep a running log on a clip board. This lets me know how many kids I see everyday and it's a quick reference if I get too busy to chart details immediately. I have a record for every student in a binder separated with alphabetical letter tabs. The...
  11. Swine Flu

    Past two weeks I sent home average 20 kids a day w/ fever over 101. Slowing down now. I don't know what to do with myself, only sent home 2 so fartoday. I got used to a line out my door at 800 am. Fires me up that parents don't keep obviously ill chi...
  12. Did I do something wrong?

    I'm sure that all of us reading your post have had similar situations. Even after six years in schools, I learn new things about myself and parents. Sometimes parents who haven't been doing all THEY should do for their child at home, feel the need to...
  13. Teacher injury

    I thought I should give an update- Some of you are making leaping assumptions- "power play", no, just doing what is right and prudent under my license. I did have communication with the MD, she was to have ice for the first 3 days and then return for...
  14. Teacher injury

    Hello Everyone- I almost made it to the end of the year without more issues-- THEN... A teacher aide sent a student to me for ice. I have her Return to Work Restrictions on file for a non-work related injury but I have no history and don't know what...
  15. Illinois School Nurses...I need your help!!!

    I am on the Student Assistant Team here in my very inner-city school. We never have a 504 without the psych or social worker. Most importantly- he may not qualify for a 504. You don't want to make one unless he neets it!! We often start with a behavi...