Shana J

Shana J

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About Shana J

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  1. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hi guys..... Just wanted to say hi to you all!!!!!! I haven't been here in forever and I just wanted to check in!!!!! To all those who are still waiting, I really wish you all the best and if it makes...
  2. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hey bp2244, So my highest level of education is middle of sophomore year. My gpa i think is around 3.6 or 3.7. Which program are you applying to?? You sound like you have a awesome chance of getting...
  3. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hi Honeycutts, The deposit was $200 and i don't know the deadline, I was so excited that I just sent it in right away lol!!!! Hi Jenny, So the main thing is to be chilled out, it's not a scary...
  4. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    NurseRica, That's very odd about the second interview, but I'm sure everything will go fine!!! Eliama27, May 11 is just when the board meeting is to discuss the people who already had their interview...
  5. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Omg!!!! I am so relieved that that's the reason they didn't call you yet. With your NLN mark, I really wouldn't be nervous AT ALL!!!! I really think you'll get in :) I can't believe that happened with...
  6. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hi tripleA's!!!! Remember me :) So I was thinking about your situation and it doesn't make sense that they didn't call you. If they wouldn't want to give you an interview (G-d forbid), they would have...
  7. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    oh...yeah the heads of the school have a meeting and they all vote. Well if your interviw went well, i don't think you have anything to worry about:) who did you have your interview
  8. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hey NurseRica, So during the whole interview I had a really good feeling, and it was going really well. At the end of the interview she was saying how she sees no reason why I shouldn't get in, so...
  9. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hey Ripley28, It's really up to you, but if you are going to be somewhere near the school than it pays to drop it off. They told me that they accept on a first come first serve basis, so the sooner...
  10. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hey guys, I have not been here for so long....but GOOD NEWS......I GOT
  11. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    So I didn't either do so well on my NLN my composite score was only 126, but she told me that's good (surprise surprise lol).... and you have an awesome gpa, so that's good....only time will tell
  12. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    oohhh! At BI you want to go to the 2 year
  13. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hi PedRN2B!!! I'm sure we saw each other at BI at the exam!! When did u send in your application?? At the interview she told me so far they only accepted 15 people, and last week was the first week of...
  14. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Hey guys, So I had my interview at Beth Israel yesterday (Tuesday) and it was AMAZING!!!!!!! It was sooo chilled out. It didn't feel like an interview at all. The lady who interviewed me was so...
  15. Beth Israel Nursing School NYC

    Thanx!!! Ill let you know how it goes after. All the best on your