

drug seekers and the incurably insane.

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All Content by JacknSweetpea

  1. Newer nurses with TOO much confidence?

    I've had to deal with know-it-all new grads. But I think it isn't so much to do with being a new nurse, but personality issues. Some people are just know-it-alls. I remember one of my nurse friends told me when I first started that she felt I was too...
  2. Another nurse bites the dust due to facebook

    Well, it is too bad that nurse lost her job, but she was acting like an idiot. You never, ever post anything about a patient or workplace on a social networking site. Ever. She's paying the price for her stupidity. I use facebook and I do have some p...
  3. How do I tell them?

    Keep boundaries with your new co-workers. Trust me...you don't want them knowing everything about you off the bat. Trusting people takes time, especially in our field. Mention your significant other if you wish in conversation, but I would not seek o...
  4. Patients and the race card

    Perhaps the OP is meaning that he/she may come across patients in the future whom might accuse the OP of not doing this or that because they are this or that race. Who knows? The truest thing my mother has ever told me is that the general public suck...
  5. Do you like nursing?

    I do like being a nurse. The work in and of itself isn't the problem. It's the morons in the administrative offices whom don't know their ***es from their elbows. I see that we need better staff to resident ratios, better behavior modification progra...
  6. Can you be fired after giving notice??

    It has happened in my workplace too. We've had nurses give their 4 week notices and a few days later....they are mysteriously taken off of the schedule, therefore, not being permitted to work their notice. Just be careful. It is a very tight job mark...
  7. Really disappointed with the reality of nursing.

    I'm not sorry I went into nursing....just sorry at times that the job market isn't good, and I can't leave my current job as of yet. My job isn't an ideal job; once I approached the Executive Director about a staff abuse policy, he looked at me like ...
  8. 2010 LPN/LVN hourly wage

    $16.50/hr. somewhere in the American West.*wineNo matter what level of nurse we are.....we are not paid nearly enough for the amt. of responsibility involved.
  9. "Better Patient Outcomes" As A Marketing Tool

    I'll give 'em better patient outcomes!!!*wine
  10. I was reported again, this time by the bookeeper......

    We have a few like that where I work....one that comes to mind is our incredibly anal-retentive dietary services manager. He will not do anything that could be remotely out of his job description, I overheard him refusing to put a clothing protector ...
  11. Why aren't LPN's considered professionals?

    It depends on the person and how they conduct themselves as well as their practice. There are some RN BSNs at my workplace whom I wouldn't call professional as well as LPNs. And CNAs. If you do your work well, with integrity, and strive to learn the ...
  12. Any other LPN's find LTC too much to deal with?

    It's funny you all have mentioned going into home health....I just got offered a PRN home health position!!! I cannot wait to get out of my hot-bed of intrigue place of employment. When I finish my ADN in Fall 2011....I hope to have a full-time posit...
  13. How to tell if you are being targeted at your job by another nurse..

    I think all of the advice here is sound. Just make absolutely certain that she is not a DON friend before making complaints about her. There's a reason as to why she's still around.
  14. Called in... Feel guilty.

    I used to feel guilty too....even if it was one time in a year. Then I got to thinking that they don't feel guilty when they write their damned near impossible attendance policies or when they try to call you in after working 12-16 hrs. the day befor...
  15. May have a job & my concerns

    Just get through your orientation if you're hired and learn all you can!!! Seek out learning opportunities, and always, always, refer to the Policy and Procedure manual. Sending good luck your way, and hope you get a good nurse to orient you!*wine
  16. A Word to the Wise

    Sooo....KateRN1....are u a nurse manager or some kind of healthcare administrator? Just had to ask:cheers:. You are right on the money though. In this job market, you had better believe that potential employers are checking social networking sites ou...
  17. I never want to hear those words from you again

    I almost wonder if there is a manual of phrases that management can say whenever a staff member mentions something about staffing or another facility problem. " Well, we are perfectly staffed by state guidelines according to our census", " You all ne...
  18. Nursing homes' bad reputation

    Stervets: With all due respect....you are dead, dead wrong!!! I don't know of how many nursing homes you've worked in, but the vast majority of them require nurses with some skills!! The LTC I work at has an emphasis on psych patients.....they come i...
  19. Giving flu shot to instructors...

    Use the longest needle you can find!!!:cheers:
  20. Job Stress- Your Strategies

    Well, I'm a raging alcoholic on my days off!!! How's that for stress relief?? I'm just jesting.....I handle stress by venting to friends because most of them are nurses, read a lot of good books, and when the weather is nice I go camping with my husb...
  21. I agree with all of the posts that say that it depends on the type of nursing one is doing. Since my particular facility is mostly long-term psych with an Alzheimer's/Dementia unit.....when I work in the Alzheimer's unit I wear my printed tops becaus...
  22. A question of Ethics

    Since most of the residents where I work are mentally impaired....no, they cannot consent to any kind of sexual activity. You weren't on duty the day it happened; perhaps you don't have all the facts. Next time try to stay out of it, even though your...
  23. My God, these family members!!

    RandeeN...you are scary....a "Stepford Nurse"!!!
  24. It seems probie's can't take a joke or laugh

    I don't see calling new nurses "probies" as offensive....there are too many other things in life to get offended about...JMHO. However, since they are new...perhaps they don't quite understand the humor that goes on between co-workers who get along w...
  25. Who is to blame

    Always, always CYA and never trust management and families!!! Trust me, when **** hits the fan, they will want your blood!!! It doesn't matter who is at fault!!