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All Content by JacknSweetpea

  1. For those new grads who are employed, what's your method?

    Definitely sleeping around!!*wineI'm kidding!!
  2. Fired: Practice/personality problems or politics?

    Usually when someone tells me that they were fired due to "political reasons"....my BS meter goes off too. However, there are some whom are. It happens a lot at my facility. I try to stay neutral and pick my associates carefully. It has worked so far...
  3. I'm curious about what kinds of things can get a nurse fired in others' workplace. Sounds like a no-brainer if it's for practice issues or personality problems, but that isn't usually the case in my facility. It is usually for political reasons.....w...
  4. Residents of LTC who abuse the staff

    The facility I work work for is a LTC with a lot of middle-aged psych patients, and abuse often occurs. A lot of the residents have diagnoses of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, as well as other medical needs. Don't forget the unfortunate personality...
  5. Nurse assaulted

    If my personal safety is compromised by a dangerous patient.....management be damned!
  6. Nepotism and the Workplace

    Hi, I have been working in a LTC for psych patients for these last few years, and I'm posting this here because I want some absolutely honest answers from DONs or other nurse managers. Where I work at.....it seems that if one is good friends with the...
  7. What to do with co-worker that is drinking

    Unless you actually see her coming into work impaired and acting in a manner that is detrimental to the patients and others.....mind your own business. If she calls you at home, don't answer the phone, or as others have suggested....tell her directly...
  8. Common Conditions in Med/Surg

    Dropsy, consumption, "flying gout", and tertiary syphilis.
  9. Mgt, why put a spin on it?

    The beatings will continue until morale improves. *wine
  10. Saw this on Facebook. Felt the need to share.

    I think that too many hospitals and other healthcare facilities subscribe to the Burger King motto: "Have it your way", but we all know whose ***es are handed back when something goes wrong. *wine
  11. What can get you fired??

    Where I work at it is rare to see someone fired for job performance issues....it is usually politics that does a nurse in. That's why I preach to all those whom work in healthcare to be constantly vigilant of others who will or have the potential to ...
  12. L&D nurses without children

    I don't think it should matter. As other posters have said....there have been many great L & D nurses whom never had children. I cannot have biological children myself, and there is enough of a stigma attached to that.....let's not bring biases a...
  13. seeing a patient in the newspaper

    Absolutely not. You could end your career before it even starts. It's exciting to be a new nurse and being able to take part in someone's recovery, but do not mention anything about any of the patients you care for. Their families may slap you with a...
  14. Would you ever be a scab?

    No, I would not be a scab. It goes against everything I believe in. I wish we could have unions where I live.....unfortunately, saying the "union" word is enough to get someone fired where I live. I can understand the necessity for some out of work n...
  15. What is wrong with these people?

    Hmmm...I can certainly understand the "small-town stuff" since I live in one as well. However, were you friends with this nasty nurse before? If not, why does she know anything about your home life? I'm very leery of sharing personal info at work bec...
  16. No Raise In Years in LTC Facility

    They do yearly raises where I work at but it's nothing to write home about. The raises are usually something like a measly 0.30 cents more an hour. Oh well. I don't plan on being there full-time any more than two years from now....
  17. as DON/ADON ....do you help or hinder your staff?

    The truth is....I don't really care about what the DON where I work does or says. I was hired to do a job as she was, and hopefully I'll continue to be employed as long as I'm holding my end of the bargain. It is disheartening at times for nurses to ...
  18. Why is it so bad to be an LPN ????

    Suanna.....your post is incorrect. Where I live at there are 2 community colleges that are strictly LPN to RN programs. One has to be an LPN before going onto the RN program. However, in your defense, it does depend on where one lives. I'm currently ...
  19. Nepotism and the Workplace

    I've no interest in being a part of the "in crowd". Did it when I was in high school.....too old for that now!! I do my job and try to do it right. I don't have a bad relationship with the management clique, I just prefer having no relationship at al...
  20. Oh, Jeez....here we go again. If you aren't getting into it "for the money" then go volunteer somewhere after you're done with school. Leave the rest of us with a living to make alone. I agree that it is very misleading that schools are advertising a...
  21. Letter to the Offended

    I've noticed that there are a lot of people of my acquaintance that seem to look for opportunities to be offended. I really don't care. If something needs to be said....I'm going to say it as tactfully as I can. If they have issues with whatever I've...
  22. Patients as customers????

    Patients are not customers. They are patients. They are admitted to a hospital because they are sick, having a baby, or having surgery. They need our expertise in order to get better; they do not need to have every whim/wish catered to. This whole "c...
  23. how to deal with bullying between nursing students/coworkers?

    A couple of years ago....there was this "know-it-all type of nurse causing me problems everyday she worked. Would roll her eyes during report, ask a bunch of impertinent questions in order to make herself seem smarter, and was an all-out wretch!! One...
  24. Oh, what an annoying topic...who cares if someone's "in it for the money". Let your compassion and caring pay your rent/mortgage, put clothes on your back, and food on the table. If you're not in it for the money then go live in a nunnery or do volun...
  25. Pass meds & chart!!! Well, when i get a chance i will!!!

    Yep....I do the same song and dance at work. I've always said that if you want to get your *** kicked everytime you work by management, residents, and families then go work in a LTC. And management is getting so "in your face" about things....our man...