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About Charlotte205

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  1. Stay on crazy med-surg or unemployment

    i can relate. i worked in a medsurg floor from hell. I am lucky I was able to get out after a year. I love my job now as a clinic
  2. VA Interviews

    what made you decide to go from tele to psych. i work for the va too (in med surge) and thinking of transferring to
  3. Hello, I recently start working nights. My question is when is the best time for you to take melatonin supplement. I always try to sleep during the day, but it's always hard especially on my first...
  4. Rude Medical Interns

    Hey y'all. I work in a teaching hospital and we have many medical students who practice in our facility. Most of the time, I notice that the most rude doctors in our hospital are the interns (mostly...
  5. VA Hospital

    I forgot to add. that salary is for ASN with no experience. if you have a bsn new grad you get paid
  6. No new grad jobs now what?

    If you have A LOT of PATIENCE, you can try applying to the VA hospital. It just takes a very long time to get hired there, but they are always
  7. VA Hospital

    new grads with no experience at VA in southern california start at
  8. VA Hiring

    The VA that I am in is only hiring in Medical Surgical floor. There are hiring freeze in other departments (ICU, tele
  9. VA Hiring

    The VA that I am in is only hiring in Medical Surgical. There are hiring freeze in other departments (ICU, tele
  10. I am a new VA RN. I love working with the vets. The benefits are awesome and the salary is pretty generous (a lot higher than most private and county
  11. New Grad Starting at Good Samaritan Hospital- Los Angeles

    I got hired at good samaritan as a new grad but i turned it down because the salary is way too low for LA and among other things that I found out about the
  12. May 2008 are things going?

    I am a May 2008 grad too. Just started working in the VA hospital recently. I love
  13. Hard time finding a job

    ITA. nurse recruiters have so much power these days. gone are the days when there was a huge shortage and recruiters were very accommodating and nice to
  14. VA Hiring

    The VA is already understaffed. How could this be? BTW, I heard the VA gets a lot of their RNs from an agency, is this