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  1. New Grads in the ICU - Summer 2013

    Oh wow, 20 weeks?! And that is with a buddy nurse for every single one of those shifts? Maybe our workloads are different, but when we are deemed "independent", we are expected to take care of a...
  2. New Grads in the ICU - Summer 2013

    Hey Everyone! Love this idea, I graduated in April this year as well. My final placement was in the General Systems ICU that I have now been hired into. We are pretty lucky here in Alberta, Canada...
  3. Nursing abroad- Ireland, Australia

    I too am graduating in April.. and that is exactly what I would like to know as well! Although I am also interested in the UK. From what I've heard(and read), it is generally best to get a couple...
  4. I would be a flight attendant! Or a travel agent. Or maybe a flight attendant until I was older or wanted to settle down, then use my experience to be a travel agent. But, since I'm just now...
  5. Thank you for the move, I wasn't sure where it was best suited. So, I would apply to take it, and then I suppose with the results you have to register with a state? There is no way to just keep the...
  6. Hello all! I've been trying to find out this information for a while, and haven't had any luck! Forgive me if my research skills are lacking and I've been blind. So, I am a fourth year BScN nursing...
  7. Fees for CRNE Exam and RN registration (AB)

    Ha. Okay. Thanks! I figured I would ask, couldn't hurt. Though I'm pretty sure paying the exam/registration fee
  8. Hello there! I am a 3rd year Nursing student in Edmonton and I just have a few questions if someone could help me out! I'm trying to do some budgeting for next year and I was wondering: I know the...
  9. Lies of the ER.....

    "He ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times." Reminds me of the musical
  10. I wonder if doctors ever worry about their portrayal in the media, since I can imagine people go to hospitals and then get angry when they aren't seeing their doctor more than once a day for 5...
  11. I am in my 2nd year right now, and unfortunately, it seems to me that it is always the year you are going
  12. Any advice for us "baby" Nursing students?

    BALANCE. Yes. Nursing school is tough and you need to study A LOT to pull off amazing marks. But if all you do is study and "say goodbye to the outside world" you are going to hate your life. You are...
  13. Nursing Students Needed for Anonymous Survey!

    Nursing student: Done!
  14. US nurse working over seas

    Since no one has said anything about you possibly wanting to work in Dubai.. One of my teachers spent a year in Dubai, and she went through Helen Ziegler & Associates. Their website is Healthcare...
  15. University of Alberta BScN Program

    Well, I may present a biased opinion.. but I am a first year student and Grant MacEwan. I was just like you, coming straight out of high school. I have only heard good things about Grant MacEwan. I...