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All Content by CSingh66

  1. New grad opportunities throughout KY?

    I live in Louisville and I graduated in December. I was hired before I even finished school at a hospital I have never worked in. There is a large demand in Louisville. There's 7 hospitals within a...
  2. Question regarding psych nurses.. problem

    First off let me say I am sorry for your situation. Now as for your grandmother being in restraints there has to be documented cause as to why. For someone to be in restraints they have to be a harm...
  3. HESI & NCLEX Advice

    I just recently took the Hesi, Dec 8th. I found what helped me the most was the Mosby Elsevier Hesi NCLEX-RN Exam book. It was made just for the Hesi. It came with a CD with a bunch of test...