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All Content by UF08

  1. Hi all- I just graduated from UF in the Fall with BA in poliSci. I thought my career direction was in law and have already been accepted to two law schools with scholarships but recently have had a change in heart and want to pursue a career in n...
  2. Galore- Thanks so much for the info. Also, how early/late did you apply to usf? I see that they will not let someone apply until all pre-rec grades have been posted. That pretty much means that I will have to apply at the end of the fall '09 semes...
  3. Hey! Thanks a lot for your response. I did my undergrad at UF and hopefully will stay in Gainesville. I'm gearing up to take the GRE right now. My goal is between 1200-1300, just wondering if you were somewhere in that range also. Thanks!