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All Content by Angelsmom354

  1. Fast Track Education

    Hi Everyone! My facility is working on improving our Triage/Fast Track process and area. We have a high acuity department with complex patients. Our Fast Track volume is hit or miss. Those we do see in our Fast Track area have the "I paid for the ER ...
  2. Sepsis

    Most of our docs will still do a half or whole liter bolus then consider pressors, if bp/MAP low. With sepsis, most patients are still dehydrated. Still have to "fill the tank".
  3. Sepsis

    Our bundle includes 2 IV's, blood, paired blood cultures and a lactate. Fluid resuscitation is 30ml/kg. Maintain MAP >60. If after 2-3 Liters, MAP 2 every 2 hours until normal. I will typically hang 2 liters simultaneously, by pressure bag, as lo...
  4. Skill's Fair for the E.D.

    Our critical care skills fair is set up with one big open room and lots of stations. Some are interactive, have hands on with equipment, quick question/answer or lastly posterboard topics. You carry around one checklist of stations and have it signed...
  5. Ruptured Appendix

    I have seen this several times here recently in my ER. The current practice is, according to our surgeons, in uncomplicated cases of appendicitis or ruptures, they treat with abx, let things cool off then evaluate removal at a different time. We have...
  6. Alas...bedbugs-precautions??

    Our hospital policy for bed bugs is a terminal clean with pest control. We have to call a service to come in and spray/bomb the room. Then the room has to stay closed for 24 hours then is terminally cleaned. I'm not quite sure about our curtained roo...
  7. Your most valuable book

    We used Lewis' Medical Surgical Nursing in nursing school. I love it! It was very easy to read and understand! It also has a small pocket guide, clinical companion, with many very common illnesses and includes diagnostic tests, complications and inte...