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About traumasrna

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  1. Hello everyone. Does anyone here know anything about UPMC Presbytarian hospital in Pittsburgh, PA? I recently spoke with a recruiter and it sounds like they offer a competative loan forgiveness...
  2. Take a princeton review class, its pricey, but worth the money.
  3. Our Own Misconceptions

    Kevin, I am very sorry for your loss. I am meeting with a friend today who lost his father unexpectedly last week. It's always hard to find the words to someone like you or my friend who has lost a...
  4. New Grad CRNA orientation.

    I hear ya on the straight day thing.I currently work nights in a very busy ICU and look forward to working call and night as a CRNA. Who knows, a lot can change between now and then. I like the shift...
  5. New Grad CRNA orientation.

    Thanks Mike. I actually considered enlisting, but my wife was against it and I ended up having to have back surgery, so it wasn't meant to be I guess. I am however grateful that you served for our...
  6. I am curious to hear what some of your experiences have been immediately following licensure when taking your first job as a CRNA. For example, as a new grad going directly into an ICU at Stanford, we...
  7. Our Own Misconceptions

    Dear Kevin, I am very sorry to hear of your mothers illness. It's never easy to put meaning into these circumstances. I offer you my sincere sympathy and I will say a prayer for your mother this...
  8. Washington Conference

    I would have to agree. I am in my first year of a three year program and this will be my third AANA conference. It's wonderful and they really welcome their students. I have found the conferences to...
  9. As I have stated several times, I was not trying to claim an unearned title and I am tired of you making this claim. You have close to 2000 posts that are nearly all political in nature. Perhaps you...
  10. Hey!!!!! I have been reincarnated and I am now officially TRAUMASRNA.....
  11. I have requested to have my username/screen name modified to traumasrna, and I am waiting for a response.
  12. Dear Board Members, I never imagined that my screen name would cause such a debate. For reasons of simplicity, I often use the same screen name and passwords as I have so many to remember for school,...
  13. Dear Board Members, I never imagined that my screen name would cause such a debate. For reasons of simplicity, I often use the same screen name and passwords as I have so many to remember for...
  14. When I originally posted a response, I thought I was sending a private message, my mistake. Secondly, this is not a "personal beef" I was simply trying to be friendly and engage in a conversation....
  15. Kevin, The reason why I provided you with my telephone number was because I was willing to discuss this matter with you more in detail over the phone. Tones and assumptions are sometimes...