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All Content by JustaNurse0214

  1. Safe Staffing Saves Lives - ANA has started a campaign for us

    It is very accurate. Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. 1986. 11500 was the floor to be exact. We had 6 patients. Total care. NO CNA's or Techs. In fact, in 1991, we were the first division to TRY a tech or NA. All of the NA's had been laid off...
  2. Can't get hired

    No offense, but your grammar is in question. If you speak the way you write, that may be a problem. You say "I BEEN Looking". It is "I HAVE BEEN looking". Unfortunately, the way we present in an interview speaks volumes to how we are perceived to wo...
  3. Safe Staffing Saves Lives - ANA has started a campaign for us

    and one more thing before I go... Were you ALL blind, deaf and dumb while IN school? Did you not have clinical experience? You had NO idea nursing was tough? You thought somehow you were special and would have it easy and make a ton of money? Wake...
  4. Safe Staffing Saves Lives - ANA has started a campaign for us

    I just joined this site and I am about to end that membership. I am really shocked. First, the grammar and spelling here is amazing. Are you SURE you graduated from that 'tough program and passed that exam"? Second, unsafe care is unsafe care. YOU ...
  5. Primary Nursing (relationship based care)

    Misty...have you considered a career in real estate? WOW! Someday you will advance in your career to management and then, and only then, will you "get it". Best of luck to your patients....again...WOW!