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About NurseDirtyBird

NurseDirtyBird has 8 years experience.

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  1. Professionalism in Nursing? Yes, Please!

    I think local culture should be accounted for as well. I live and work in a liberal west coast town, where tattoos and piercings are pretty much de rigueur. I work in an exclusive facility with a...
  2. LPN in Hospice nursing?

    Is it possible for an LPN to work in hospice care? I know that LPNs are not legally permitted to "pronounce" death, and I'm wondering if that's a big fat roadblock. I desperately need to be in...
  3. Odd situation

    I don't think the issue is the nurse's gender. It's the fact that a mother would willingly give up a 9-10 YO child to a virtual stranger she met the other day. It would be freaky if the nurse in...
  4. Odd situation

    There are people who post weird scenarios like this on boards in order to get a nasty thrill out of the inevitable discussion about terrible things. I volunteered for a suicide hotline at one point,...
  5. How can I improve my reputation?

    I'm an introvert, kinda awkward and have social anxiety (amongst other things). I am not a "people person;" I got a check-minus on the "plays well with others" part of all my school report cards....
  6. So confused, help me out please. Pre-nursing

    The community college in my area has an Associate in Pre-Nursing program. It's not nursing school, it's all the prerequisites needed for transferring to a University to enter a BSN program. Maybe...
  7. You're absolutely correct. You wouldn't just take someone's word for it when buying a car - you have to test drive it to see if it's really worth it. Same thing with
  8. Amen! I too, am not a people person, and must put on my "Nursey Face" when I go to work. I never felt "called" to nursing. I felt a need for a career where I could make decent money while...
  9. I really wish employers had the consideration to let someone know they were rejected, much less the reasons why. I can understand if you have 100 people applying for the same position that it can be...
  10. What in the world does this have to do with anything the OP was talking about? If you have such a bias against LTC nurses, perhaps it would do you some good to walk a mile in our shoes. Let me help:...
  11. Hey, guess what? This is every SNF everywhere. And hospital. And clinics. Good luck. Deal with managing people's pain, demanding patients and doctors who throw pills at people who won't shut up,...
  12. Bullied nurse. I quit. :(

    There's a difference between constructive professional criticism and bullying. Constructive criticism details what you did wrong, how you can fix it, and how to avoid it in the future. You learn...
  13. That certain odor on some patients and their visitors

    This is horrible! Have you considered making judgements of people by their personality and character instead of their looks? I'm a freaking atheist and I still completely agree with Jesus on this:...
  14. when patients are prescribed marijuana

    I've had a couple MS patients with authorizations. Family brought in food made with added cannabis, no smoking involved. We were able to D/C Ambien because they were able to sleep well as a result...
  15. Attire for interview

    Suits and (sensible) pumps for me too. I've never been turned down for a position I interviewed for when I wear them. Conservative is always the way to go for