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All Content by xoxo1981

  1. Please give information about Tucson, Arizona

    I live on the East side of Tucson near the Air Force base... it's not too bad getting downtown if you live close to Golflinks Road/Aviation Hwy. - Carolyn
  2. Please give information about Tucson, Arizona

    As far as I know, the only words of wisdom is to just stay away from the South side. I haven't heard very great things about the south side and it's not a very friendly area when you drive around it. There are TONS of new housing coming up from diffe...
  3. Please give information about Tucson, Arizona

    I've worked for UMC since graduating last December. So far the job is going great, I got 12 weeks of orientation and a 3 week critical care class. The other hospitals I know of as far as through the girls from work are.... Northwest, TMC, St Joes, St...
  4. money for school

    Oh I also forgot... fill out your FAFSA form ASAP. You can also fill out the form online which is much easier. And I swear this is the last thing... I talked to the financial aide advisors at ASU also (helped to get their input and assistance with al...
  5. money for school

    alykat1 I recently just graduated from ASU's nursing college. I went to college straight after high school and it was a rough road. I lost my scholarship the first year I was at ASU and I ended up working full time during school in order to pay for t...
  6. Titainium Ring Cutters?

    This was the ring I bought from the website.. err I meant he bought. I was very surprised that the company even did bridal sets.
  7. I Passed!!!!!!!

    Congratulations! :) :) Whoo Hoo!!!
  8. Titainium Ring Cutters?

    iliel: I spoke to my other half today and he said he researched the whole titanium topic pretty well before buying the ring. He told me that the rings can be taken off with the cutters that are used for regular rings but just take about twice as long...
  9. Titainium Ring Cutters?

    I know they have cutters for titanium rings but I doubt that most EDs have them handy. I like the titanium rings. Very light compared to the other sets they have at most stores. I don't know if you have checked out this site but this is where my othe...
  10. PA catheter Quiz

    7/10 Whoo hoo! I did learn something in school :)
  11. Mesa, Arizona

    I live in the Tempe area. I went to high school in Tempe and also went to ASU for college. My sisters and I grew up in Tempe and we find it very nice for families. My neighborhood has a lot of children around because our house is close to 2 high scho...
  12. 75 ?'s and sweating bullets. .

    Nurse2be I took the NCLEX 2 weeks ago and I got 75 questions. I was a nervous wreck but in the end I did pass and I got my liscense 4 days afterwards. I wish ya good luck! And I'm sure you passed!
  13. Hemostate

    I don't know if this helps any but I got my hemostats for free at the hosptial. Most hospitals have 'instrument kits' that you can get for patients that are having sutures taken out... they usually have a hemostat, scissors, a safety pin, or other th...
  14. What are you thankful for this year?

    I'm thankful that I'm still here and that I didn't EXIT OUT back in high school. Everything seemed so dark, but as they say... everything happens for a reason. And things are looking up :)
  15. time for nclex

    I only have 3 more clinical days for Leadership/Managment :) Whoo hoo... graduation here I come, that's if I pass my Theory class LOL :)
  16. time for nclex

    You send the application to your state boards the same time you apply for the NCLEX. After the state board gets the paperwork from your school saying that you finished the program, then you get the OK to sign up to take the NCLEX. Which reminds me......
  17. HELP!!!I need study tips!!!

    Most of my professors will test over the objectives in the syllabus. It may help to focus where you want to spend the most time studying. Hope this helps even just a little. Good luck with your tests etc :)
  18. Anyone else in their last semester?

    When we got into the program the college gave us a pin in a 'ceremony'... Basically you can use the free pin or you can go buy a pin, it's your choice. I'm going cheap... using the free pin :) As far as GPA goes, never cared about it much as long as...
  19. How long is your preceptorship?

    I'm in my final semester and they divided it into 2. We had 'clinical hours' with preceptors and our professor for 10hrs 3x per week for 6 weeks. And now we are all on our own with a preceptor for 156 hours. I think we total around 300+ hours total o...
  20. Anyone else in their last semester?

    Don't sweat it, this is the first semester I started reading for tests. Went by the whole program studying off of lecture notes. This reading thing is a great new concept to me..... :)
  21. Anyone else in their last semester?

    I get out in 6 weeks! I am so ready to start working, I have no problems asking for help whenever I need it... so I should be ok. As long as I can make it through my shift without the patients coding, I'm A-OK :) Just kidding, I'm just ready to get o...
  22. New Student Advice

    Marie Grey... In my opinion, I don't think you can study for the classes. If you want to review, look at what classes you are taking when the semester starts and just review those classes to feel prepared. But if I were you, I would just relax and wa...
  23. repeating a course for a better gpa?

    As far as I know my nursing program only took the grade off a repeated class if the original grade was a D or lower. At least in my program if you recieved a C in any pre-reqs they take the C unless you took the next level class and did better.
  24. New Student Advice

    Marie Grey: which AZ school are you applying to? I go to ASU, if you have any questions I'd be happy to help :) My only and best advice is to relax through school. Don't worry so much about everything at once, take things in stride but don't forget t...
  25. A lesson for nursing students...

    Or take my motto to heart... C means continue :) J/K