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About cradlecrewer

cradlecrewer has 23 years experience and specializes in L&D.

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  1. Question about CNA's state to state

    Does anyone know if a CNA can move from state to state on the same certification? I don't know what to tell a friend that is moving. She is a CNA. Does she have to be certified in that particular...
  2. How about.........Wake up and get out of that bed, it belongs to the patient (while she sits in a chair)!!! seriously..I don't mind stepping over your little blanket beds you have made in the...
  3. Womens interest in male nurses

    The part of the country that I live in tends to cater to male nurses, and the male nurses really eat it up. They are cocky as hell, and the women love them. Well...except for us older nurses that...
  4. Checking dilation help...

    BAHAHAHAH.....this is SUCH A COOL IDEA!...sneaky too..I love
  5. Vag Exams & Dilation

    Two separate things....effacement is the thinning out of the cervix, so if you are 100% thinned out (or effaced) your cervix is paper thin. If you are dilated 10 cms you are "complete" or "fully"...
  6. Either Give Me A Lunch Break Or Pay Me!!

    I am printing this out and taking it in to work. Thank
  7. Either Give Me A Lunch Break Or Pay Me!!

    How does that
  8. Do birth plans grate on your nerves?

    Childbirth becomes a medical issue when it is complicated with complications...those are the ones I am referring to. I'm talking preterm labors, PIH, uncontrolled gest diab, partial abruption,...
  9. Montana RN Salary

    I worked in MT for a yr and a half. In that time I racked up so many bills I had to leave. The cost of living was way higher there than where I live now and the pay was way less. Too bad
  10. Either Give Me A Lunch Break Or Pay Me!!

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- this is where they "got me" where it says "except in workplace environments that by their nature of business provides for ample...
  11. Either Give Me A Lunch Break Or Pay Me!!

    I have brought this concern to all of my managers (past and present), and nursing administration several times. One of the Director of Nurses asked me, "just what would you do for 30 minutes off the...
  12. For the last 10 yrs my employer has deducted 30 minutes from my pay every day that I have worked for "lunch". I work in a small hospital, so at any given night it is just myself and the nursery nurse...
  13. Do birth plans grate on your nerves?

    It's the unreasonable ones that upset me. Have you ever sat on a laboring patient with PIH who refused an IV access (not in her birth plan), and then seized? Not pretty. Have you ever been in a...
  14. Do birth plans grate on your nerves?

    Hi...I would be the original poster. I guess I just don't understand why fellow nurses would have a problem with this post, especially those who work L&D. I have worked in this area for 23 yrs. I...
  15. Do birth plans grate on your nerves?

    "No, she doesn't need pain meds" why does this bother you? If the woman wants pain meds then she can ask for pain meds; especially if a mom makes it clear from the beginning that she wants a natural...