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About Bidwillty

Bidwillty has 16 years experience and specializes in STICU/NICU/CCU/ER.

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  1. Best Pre-FNP RN experience

    I did critical care until deciding to go back to school I then moved to the ED, it definately helps with schedulding, from a school-work-clinical aspect, and also you learn a more problem focused...
  2. I passed ANCC today, strangest exam ever, lots of theory, research related questions. Good luck to whoever has still got to do it, I am glad that monkey is off my
  3. May NP Graduates and ANCC Certification

    I got mine, took 6 weeks, and someone I know applied same time as me, paid the extra $$$ to expedite and we got our letters same day. I test on friday, keep fingers
  4. Anyone here work fast track/urgent care?

    40 patients a day is an exaggeration or you are obviously working 20 hrs a day or not offering good care. Be realistic
  5. Primary Care Track clinicals with Emergency doc?

    I am completing my FNP degree, and I have done clinicals in our local Level 1 trauma center ED, with the Docs and midlevels, you see a lot of primary care in the ED's, becasue people have no other...
  6. How do you feel about the NP "haters"?

    There are always going to be the " haters", do wht is good for you, letting other people influence your life is really not
  7. working during clinicals

    you can work, do clinicals and go to school, but it sucks you dry and you barely recognise yourself and your family start to wonder who you are, but its only 2 yeasr, so go for
  8. Anyone here pay out of pocket for np school?

    I am graduating in May and have paid for school while going, no grants, tuition assistance etc, the school I went to ahd a payment plan each semester, so the fees were divided over about 4 equal...
  9. The VCNP conference is in Reston, VA from march 4th -7th 2009, usually well attended and informative.
  10. I graduate in May 2010, I have continued to work full time in the ER while going to school and found it was a great help in practising my advanced assessment skills and the docs have been awesome in...
  11. thoughts/advice welcomed........

    As an ER / ICU nurse, in my last year of my FNP programme, I have noticed those of us with the clinical experience definately have an easier time, both in clinicals and in many classes. It has also...
  12. Don't like kids...ANP best bet?

    kids is not my forte, but that being said, I am currently completeing my peds rotation in FNP and thanks to a phenomenal preceptor I have learned so much. I am not a peds person but I do think all...
  13. Emergency Nurse Practitioner programs?

    I am currently an ER nurse and have 10 months left till graduation as an FNP, many of the docs I have worked with have offered me a job, even though I would be the first NP, (they currently only have...
  14. going for FNP with no peds experience

    I am currently completing the peds part of my fnp program, dont let it deter you, I have limited peds exposure, just find yourself a great preceptor, thats what will make or break peds. I am really...
  15. For those of you who have been accepted......

    it is very possible to go to school and work, it just requires good organisational skills and sticking to a