

OB, lactation

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All Content by mitchsmom

  1. cervical checks, again

    LOL... yep, when I started this was my next challenge just after I figured out the mush.... When I first felt the mush, I was like "whoa" ... I was prepared to figure out the centimeters but had no idea they got that way & I'd have learn to disti...
  2. Codeine can turn toxic in nursing mothers

    I read on another list that in that one case, the mother had a rare inability to metabolize codeine, and in addition, the baby was seen several times by a doctor who missed the warning signs. We use mostly percocet and motrin anyway, but FWIW...
  3. Bradley method?

    Not ususally; generally the pt understands that if something unhealthy or dangerous or whatever happens that the 'normal' birth plan goes out the window & the staff should do what is best in such an event (alot of birth plans even specifically st...
  4. Statistics

    LOL, RNLaborNurse... I just saw your post over on the CNM board about stats... :)
  5. Statistics

    That is exciting! Is Frontier going to accept your local class? That would be great to save the $ on it... I'm thinking of taking it at Frontier & it's $$$ ka-ching $$$. I know on their website they list certain specifics that the class must inc...
  6. student midwife with a question

  7. ... I am revisiting this question because I still haven't taken the stats class and now the Canyon College one isn't accepted anymore... Sooo.. any word on which is best between the Frontier stats class, the Univ. Utah one, and the U of Washington o...
  8. This may sound dumb... what type of IV is it called when it's just a regular IV in the wrist? My form says "IV type"...
  9. cabbage leaves for engorgement,why does it work?

    I hadn't heard of the 'cooked and cooled' instruction, either. Here's another good link from And another set of instructions from Dr. Newman:
  10. Does withdrawal safe?

    If you are looking for an effective method that is "natural", you may consider fertility awareness. It is not a barrier method so it doesn't protect from STD's. It is more appropriate for couple in a long-standing relationship.Taking Charge of Your F...
  11. How many RNs in a delivery?

    We have 2 NRP trained nurses in the room for vaginal deliveries. One baby nurse + respiratory for planned c/s; baby nurse + pedi for unplanned section (plus OR crew - circulator, etc.).
  12. Epidemic of dumb!

    Idiocracy is a funny (and crass-satirical) movie that's right on this topic!!
  13. Confront a fellow nurse or not?

    Yeah right!! Her dream world must be nice to live in...
  14. Caught a 12-pounder!

  15. OB Nurses....Question For Ya

    I don't remember ever seeing frank blood w/ a foley, but I've only been doing this for a year so it's probably just a matter of time. With our current epidural infusion mix (naropin & fentanyl) I find that about maybe 1/2 of my pts need a foley &...
  16. Hospital Policy re: parents not allowed NB procedure?

  17. Magazine???

    I like it too - it's now called Nursing for Women's Health (linked in my post above). It reads easier & is less dry than straight out research journal articles. :)
  18. Magazine???

    Here's the page for JOGNN & Nursing for Women's Health Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health (by ACNM) MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing The Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing OB/GYN Journals
  19. Kind of Off-Topic, but Here is why you have not seen me much lately:

    Hope you are having/had a great time! Keep us posted. ((hugs))
  20. L&D IV starts: Staff or IV team?

    We also start our ours with an 18 ga. if possible. Sometimes we go to 20 g if we think it will help, (& if surgery/complications not anticipated). We get our blood for labwork on the initial stick if we want to, it seems like day shift people us...
  21. Lactation consultants

    We don't have any full or part-time IBCLC's on our unit (delivering 1000+/yr). I'm an IBCLC but I'm employed as an L&D nurse and rarely have the time to help with bf the way I'd like to. The best I can usually do is to make sure my babies get ski...
  22. signing contract papers

    You may want to try and talk to a few nurses on your new unit if you can, maybe they can give you some scoop. If you have scheduling needs or limitations, you may want to address that. For example, in my contract I wish that I had negotiated for 3 da...
  23. GN starting rate?

    S. Central FL around $19 base. My hospital differentials are about 7% evenings, 15% nights, NO weekend differential. Call pay $2. The FL cost of living has risen a lot in the last couple of years (everywhere but especially in non-coastal areas that ...
  24. How to organize your "brains"

    I have mine (for l&d) in a word file in a table form and I hone it as needed. Mine is really a combination of an assessment form/ kardex/ report sheet with a space for notes where I put my "do not forget" list. Important things or priority t...
  25. Poll: How long is your orientation?

    I had a week of hospital orientation (4 days of caring & sharing about the hospital and 1 useful IV/ports/pumps, etc. day) followed by 12 weeks of precepted LDRP orientation (no further classroom except NRP and fetal monitoring classes).