

Geriatrics, Psych

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About t-lo

t-lo has 27 years experience and specializes in Geriatrics, Psych.

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  1. CPNE Study guide...

    You are correct there aren't many changes from the 18-19th editions. Good

    ce= critical elements...and if you know your stuff you can pass anywhere...but if you don't know what you are doing the examiners will not be
  3. CPNE Study guide...

    As far as I know it is not legal to pass on any copyrighted materials Asking for the CPNE ™ Study guide which is copyrighted to be sent to you from someone other than EC would be a violation of...
  4. any help on vital in cpne...

    a pcs runs like this and this is a basic time table 30 minutes in planning 1 hour- 1 hour and 30 minutes in implementation 30 minutes to complete the evaluation phase a pcs is a total of 2.5 hours...
  5. any help on vital in cpne...

    just my 2 cents worth 1st i need to comment what was posted by ineverseeu aug 4 ****“i can't get vitals from some elderly people -- sometimes radial, sometimes apical. is it ok to spend 10 to 20...
  6. CPNE next week !!!!

    Nervous1- Remember...1 Lab at a time...1 PCS at a time...1 Day at a time Focus...Focus...Focus Good Luck!
  7. CPNE next week !!!!

    This is toooooooo Funny!
  8. Excelsior Classes questions

    Because your LPN clasess do not carry college credits with them...They are not transferable. Only College credits or College equivalence courses such as CLEP, DANTES and a few others transfer. Good...
  9. Are exam prices going up?

    6 years ago when I took CPNE gas prices were under $2.00 a gallon. Everything goes up. EC is still cheeper than going the traditional route. Sure the community college route is a little cheeper but...
  10. Passed CPNE at Albany Med 6/3/12!

    :yeah:CONGRATULATIONS:yeah:.... and yes you are correct...No one understands the journey's path until we take
  11. A moment of reflection...

    What a shame to have lost him so early in life. A true student advocate. It saddens me to see this message. Prayers to the family and friends who have lost him
  12. EC Philadelphia PA Area?

    I'm up by Wilkes-Barre Pa. Good Luck:)
  13. PASSED FCCA...now stuck

    I was a little concerned when I saw Boston nurse type that she chose 8/31 as her date. So that is your ready date. EC won't give you a date until everything is in and 3/4's of the clinical fee is...
  14. Need help making up my mind!!

    No it is not a scam. Excelsior's LPN to RN is the real deal. As Lunah wrote though, please check with your State BON to see if there is any restricitons to the program in your
  15. I have PASSED the CPNE at Grady! =)
