GuatericanNurse replied to MattiesMama's topic in General Nursing
I thought out my answers ahead of time, and I even typed them out and spoke them out loud to myself. Rehearsing may seem stupid, but once you've visualized yourself saying this to the recruiter/RN...
GuatericanNurse replied to V-Heart's topic in General Nursing
I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to volunteer at a medical tent at the Boston Marathon as a new grad. Maybe there is something like that around your
Are you stuck with this ONE preceptor? Any chance you can get a different nurse to precept you? If I were you, I would definately talk to the other new grads and see if there is any chance you can...
GuatericanNurse replied to MissDandelion's topic in General Nursing
Maybe you can try working the night shift! If you blush in the dark...your patients cant see you! But seriously, I would talk to my PMD and see if there is something that you can take because I am...
Thats an AWESOME story!! Everything happens for a reason is my quote that I kept telling myself because I too applied to over 150 jobs, and got rejected SO many times. I just got hired to work at my...
Graduated May 2009 in Boston Applied to about 150 jobs, including out of state Finally JUST got hired last week for a FT position at the hospital where I am a CNA. So it took about 15
GuatericanNurse replied to JeanettePNP's topic in General Nursing
Like April, RN said, in Boston a few months back we had a water shortage for a couple days. It was rough. At first, we didn't know what we were going to do, but thankfully the kitchen just sent up...
GuatericanNurse replied to Manatee111's topic in General Nursing
On my floor, charge nurse no longer gets a 1$ incentive, and now they are taking anywhere from basically, we DONT have a charge nurse to help facilitate and assist sometimes cuz they are...
GuatericanNurse replied to jorla9903's topic in General Nursing
Send a thank you note to whomever you interviewed with after you interview. Smile. Wear a suit. Bring extra copies of your resume and cover letter since you may not know how many people you are...
GuatericanNurse replied to Lola77's topic in General Nursing
try doing a manual on a KICKING...SCREAMING 2 yr old. Being in Pediatrics is tough. almost ALL the kids here have automatic BP's checked. Also, we have little tiny 7 day old peanuts that need BP's...
STATUS: There are NONE! I also work as a CNA in a major boston hospital. Been there for almost two years. I graduated in May 2009 and been a nurse since Nov 2009. I spoke to my RN manager and the RN...
GuatericanNurse replied to AZO49008's topic in General Nursing
I work with kids and I mostly do nights, so when I go in to do vitals I take the flash light, turn it on and flip it upside down and prop it up on the bedside table. Its perfect. Not too much light...
GuatericanNurse replied to StangGang92's topic in General Nursing
You NEED to have a nice strong hand shake. I can not tell you how many times I have shook someones hand & it was LIMP and flimsy. It turned me off completely and immediately they lost points with...