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    I have it on good authority (from one directly involved) that a lawsuit was indeed filed and VTC prevailed, in other words the plantiffs
  2. The Mockery of Nursing you give Trollop lessons?? I would a very eager student!! Pace PS nice to see ya back!!
  3. vermont board of nursing

    That is
  4. A cup of coffee maybe a new pair of
  5. ISU not recognized by all states

    well said and thank
  6. ISU not recognized by all states

    Is the OP talking about Indiana State Univ? or Idaho State University? or another
  7. Considering a LPN Program - but have a few q's!

    A BSN is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Yes you would be an RN, but lets back up a little. An LPN program varies from place to place it depends if your program is fullltime or partime. Once you...
  8. nursing (ADN) at vermont technical college

    vt tech prefers lpn first..if you take lpn program you need 3.2 gpa in first term and need to maintain 3.0 for the next 2 terms to be considered for acceptance, there are not as many seats available...

    I have the Ipod Touch 8g it has everything a smartphone has but not the phone and is the size of a phone. The Ipad is considerably bigger about 7 inches wide and not easy to fit in a pocket. Yes to...

    If your facility will allow it download Skyscape or Unbound medicine's drug apps on your phone or ipod that are available etc, a few keystrokes and your up and running. Quick and
  11. insulin help!!

    I am only a nursing student, my advice? Ask your Charge nurse what to
  12. ahhh..the memories we actually brought down a presidency..grntea was that you with the bell bottoms and the flower in your hair? i was the guy with the long hair and jeans and a guitar over my...
  13. cuz i am in the middle of writing my term paper for school and i am doing enough research already
  14. If indeed this is the case Wall Street is not your problem, the problem lies within the political spectrum as they are providing the legal loopholes for these institutions, you said it yourself "no...
  15. ".......widespread anti-war protests in 2002/03?" Huh? The 1960's war protests were wide spread and had huge turnouts, compared to the '60's you can fit the 2002 protests on a pin head You want to...