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All Content by Shellsie

  1. when we went live on the computerized charting we put into place a "PCM coodinator" who does chart audits daily along with teaching class, updates, etc.
  2. Freedom of Expression

    ok....let me start off by saying i have 7 tattoos.....when i was hired....i had 7 tattoos....when i am in my nursing scrubs only one is visible ( it's on the back of my neck). i think that any person who gets tattoos/piercings needs to be aware of th...
  3. there is hope! for Meditech nursing module anyways...there is something called CMI (clinical monitoring interface) where the monitors in areas like icu, or and pacu will automatically download the vitals into the computer. all the nurse has to do is ...
  4. Online documentation

    does anyone use any online documentation? meditech or otherwise? how is it going and is it helping the nurses?
  5. Online documentation

    our meditech system is based on "standards based documentation" which is kinda like charting by exception. it works pretty efficiently i think :)
  6. RN assessments

    an RN must do the admission assessment. If the LPN is doing primary care on day shift and is doing the initial assessment for the day an RN can cosign the assessment. on night shift if an LPN does the assessment at night it doesnt have to be cosigned...
  7. patient lingo...

    how about a patient that says they have a "high hernia" (hiatal hernia) hehe or they take their pink pill "twiced a day"
  8. I am a moron--I need I.V. help

    i think we all have those "barn door days" as i like to call know the days you cant hit a barn door...let alone a vein on a 90 yr old dehydrated little old lady. hehe hang in there and you will find your "nitch"
  9. ER Arm Bands

    when the patient comes into the triage room the triage nurse applies the band
  10. PA LPN's now permitted to accept verbal orders

    LPN's take verbal and telephone orders all the time here in florida......matter of fact in most long term care facilities there are very few RN's on the payroll
  11. Negativity?

    guys, i think if you get your feelings hurt by someone correcting your spelling you need to grow a little thicker skin......hehe i could care less that i spelled HIPAA wrong and someone corrected's just a message board right?? and for the ...
  12. Have you ever taken care of a celebrity?

    wow...never thought my little HIPAA (feel better now?) comment would cause sucha ruckus....hehe and i dont care how its spelled i just know what it means and that i dont wanna screw with it :chuckle
  13. Made to look like an idiot. (rant)

    i would like to say i commend you for your actions in calling the doctor for the new abdominal pain. your scenario started out much like one i lived with my family member just over a month young (47) relative was in rehab following a CVA an...
  14. Have you ever taken care of a celebrity?

    HIPPA HIPPA HIPPA hehe i cant tell you if i took care of a celebrity :chuckle
  15. Does anyone have Admission Nurses?

    I was an admission nurse for over a year but switched because it got monotonous. admits would get to the floor and id get there and meet and greet and assess and get history and start iv's and give stat meds (if available). it was nice because someon...
  16. Young Nurses in Love

    this is so funny to me....kinda like those sexy little nurse dresses people wear at halloween or in "dirty movies" hehe... first thing i think is "you cant do compressions in that thing!" :chuckle
  17. Why can't I be a nurse?

    ive been in your shoes cali..... one day i accidently left my name badge in the car. i work in a small hospital in a small town so i just left it downstairs and went about my business. i went into one patient's room to start an IV no one else could ...
  18. In desprate need of help!

    I need some information and references fast! I need to know how long we can leave IV sites in....I know it used to be 72 hours but recently I heard it was now 96 hours.....if someone could please let me know the new standard and a link to where I can...
  19. To draw blood or not?

    you can draw blood on the patient but without giving them a list of rights just explain "mr. person i am going to take some blood to run some tests ok?" and they stick out their arm and tadah! you need them to sign a consent for HIV testin...
  20. For Fun: Weirdest Thing in Pt. Bed

    i have found food and forks in beds but when i worked in the nursing home we had a little old lady with a wander guard on and she used to take her knife from the table and sneak off and try to cut off her wander guard. it was so cute we had this guy ...
  21. Needle Sharpness

    if you stick a vial and pull out the med i really dont think it matters if its one puncture....i mean think about it..the patient is getting stuck with a needle regardless and its gonna be uncomfortable...i bet if there was study done comparing chang...
  22. Changed my mind

    ya know i am trying really hard not to get mad because this person is stereotyping all nurses based on what it said on an internet forum..... ill tell you something there are easier ways to make good money than nursing so if someone is a nurse they u...
  23. Stupid Physician Tricks

    we have a doctor that likes to play doctor when its convenient for him....he admits patients to other physicians and "consults" himself. if he ever admits to himself it gets changed the next morning.... then he is consulted bu every other doc "critic...
  24. do you have 10mm TB reaction?

    i converted to positive ppd during nursing school/working as a cna in the nursing home. i had a chest xray and it was clear so i didnt have to take meds...
  25. Protecting patients from themselves...

    i love when patients on tele want to leave the floor and go smoke....they say "im going to go smoke" and what can you say "i cant stop you from smoking because the hospital isnt prison; but i can tell you that i dont reccomend it and the heart monito...