
Farkinott RN

Renal, Haemo and Peritoneal

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About Farkinott

Farkinott has 22 years experience as a RN and specializes in Renal, Haemo and Peritoneal.

Single bloke in the dry tropics. Love my job most days. Love to exercise and eat good food. Keep up with current affairs and nursing welfare.

Latest Activity

  1. Have you ever heard of this? UGH!!!!

    It's her placenta for heaven's sake. A friend of mine had a homebirth and buried the placenta under a tree in the yard. Weird 4 me but an important part of their spiritual pathway. Who is hurt?...
  2. dialysis straight out of school?

    I precept new grads a couple of times a year. It doesn't matter whether you have 5 minutes experience or 10 yrs dialysis is a whole new field. I embrace new grads as well as oder nurses that have...
  3. dumping the prime

    As I previously said. We always dump the prime.
  4. dumping the prime

    We always "dump the prime". It is only ever returned if the pt is clinically dehydrated or
  5. Clots Clots And More Clots!!!!!!

    Try Clexane
  6. migration stuffs...

    I worked with a Filiponi nurse years ago and at that stage she had to undertake 8 weeks of supervised practice for no remuneration. I don't know if she ever got her licence. It is easier for others...
  7. What's special about male nurses?

    I think male nurses are different because we tend to talk in plain language! I can recall an incident where one of my female colleagues was asking a confused old man if he "wanted to go for a wee?"...
  8. What makes a good dialysis nurse?

    I agree with DeLana. It's hard to tell if anyone will like renal work. Two qualities/skills are a must though. You need good assessment skills and need to be a skilled
  9. 6% "take off" rule

    Our unit rule is 1kg per hour maximum and isolated UF (eg. 1000ml in 30 min) if they are really overloaded! 6% sounds about right
  10. What is KTVO?

    Just type kt/v into dogpile.com (search engine) and you should find enough information to keep you
  11. Patient hostility...HELP!

    Thankfully my facility has a zero violence policy. Crap is just not tolerated and the higher ups (by law) have to enforce this policy. As for the infected catheter. That guy will just get sicker...
  12. How much do your PCT's do?

    We don't use unregulated staff like PCT's. My dialysis unit is staffed by BSN's
  13. How are male nurses perceived?

    Default Re: How are male nurses perceived? "My experience has been that they are perceived the same as females...by ability, not the hardware under the uniform. Your statement about the "very senior"...
  14. How are male nurses perceived?

    My experience has been that they are perceived the same as females...by ability, not the hardware under the uniform. Your statement about the "very senior" nurse may answer your entire...
  15. Ethical considerations

    Thankfully if I feel I cannot deal with a patient because i have issues with who they are or what they have done my organisation accepts that and I wil be reassigned. If you loathe someone and can't...