

Post Surgical, nursing home, mom & baby

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About mo18

mo18 specializes in Post Surgical, nursing home, mom & baby.

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  1. Finally found a job!

  2. Hurst Review/Random

    Hi. I'm a new grad who has done the Hurst review. I did the 4 days live Hurst review at my school. I really enjoyed it and thought the review was very very helpful. I would recommend the Hurst review...
  3. hurst review

    I've heard the Hurst review is really
  4. 265 questions later....I PASSED!!

  5. the secret to passing the nclex

    Thank you for the
  6. Passed NCLEX! Study tips...

    Congratulations on passing and thanks for the tips.
  7. Passed the NCLEX-RN @ 75

    Congratulations on passing!!! God is
  8. I passed...............

    Congratulation on passing!!!!
  9. i passed! 75 questions..Thank God!

    Congrats on passing the nclex!!! What a great feeling!! I'll be taking my exam in March. Wish me good luck.
  10. CONGRATS TO ALL OF US !!!!! WE DID IT!!!!!! :grad: HAPPY
  11. Passed my boards Saturday

  12. I love being a midwife

    Hi Baby Catcher, Right now I'm currently in a nursing school and will be done in Dec with a BSN degree. It's a dream of mine to become a nurse midwife. What steps did you go through to become a nurse...
  13. I love being a midwife

    Hi Baby Catcher, Right now I'm currently in a nursing school and will be done in Dec with a BSN degree. It's a dream of mine to become a nurse midwife. What steps did you go through to become a nurse...
  14. hesi exit help

    wcuisme, I really like your advice about hesi. I will be taking the hesi exit next month and I'm to figure out how to study for the exam. I will def try to incorporate your advice into my study plan....
  15. New Grad Pay in Nashville

    Does anyone know what the base pay at Metro General Hospital in Nashville and/or Middle Tennessee Medical Center in Murfreesboro,