
Nursey103 ADN, RN

M/S, Tele, Sub (stepdown), Hospice

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All Content by Nursey103

  1. The Problem with Nursing

  2. Advise and encouragement please!!!

    I too will be a new nurse very soon & I plan on just taking things one day at a time. It's impossible to know everything at once so take as much as you can in & learn from your mistakes. Good luck!!!
  3. The Problem with Nursing

    Experience has nothing to do with schools using teddy bears as their way of marketing. Join your school's nursing association & do something to help change the image you think they're sending. It's your OPINION about flowers, etc. on scrubs maki...
  4. The Problem with Nursing

    I'm trying to type this w/ respect but if you're as rude in person as you are in your postings, I truly wonder what you'll be like when you encounter those difficult patients & families throughout your career as a nurse.
  5. The Problem with Nursing

    many...really? fortunately, i haven't met the people you've described.
  6. The Problem with Nursing

    Let's see... #1: I think there is whining in every profession, not just nursing. #2: I think we've been labeled a "caring profession" because we treat the patient as a whole (RT for respiratory, rad techs focus on getting their tests done, etc.) N...
  7. Externship with RN license

    It's a tough call.......probably a good idea to get the NCLEX out of the way early instead of having to wait 6 months. I believe there is a higher probability of passing if you take it within 3 months of graduating (since the knowledge is still fres...
  8. Externship with RN license

    I'm in Cali & when I applied to take the NCLEX, they sent a letter back saying I was missing paperwork (graduation paperwork, etc.). I don't think you can take the NCLEX until you've officially graduated from nursing school. We take our final e...
  9. Pt with Unequal Pupils

    I just rounded with a NP who told me the same thing & said it was actually fairly common among the elderly.
  10. ADN Nursing Alumni Association?

    My school (community college) started one last year, I believe. They can use alumni to mentor & support new grads, provide scholarships, share job opportunities, etc. They're even giving us the first year for free which is cool. They also hav...
  11. Stupid things said by your non-nurse significant other

    I never said we were getting married - reread the post....I say my BF (boyfriend....not fiance) :)
  12. Stupid things said by your non-nurse significant other

  13. Rational for Nursing Care plans

    I use Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care by Ackley & Ladwig (8th Ed.). It has rationales for every intervention.
  14. Urinary Retention unexplained by Md.

    I've worked urology & I think most older men have some degree of an enlarged prostate.....put that with morphine & you have urinary retention.
  15. Inappripriate things you've seen a CNA do?

    Curious.....why would the baby's IV being disconnected bother you but with older people it doesn't?
  16. Favorite Dr or Nurse Name

    In my area there's a Dr. Peter Wang
  17. Stupid things said by your non-nurse significant other

    HA!! My BF is the same way.....annoying!!!
  18. Inappripriate things you've seen a CNA do?

    Like I said, I did tell the RN & she told the charge nurse. I don't know what happened to the CNA but I do know they were having problems with her similar to this in the past. I do hope they fixed it b/c the last thing anyone needs (especially ...
  19. Inappripriate things you've seen a CNA do?

  20. Inappripriate things you've seen a CNA do?

    I saw a CNA disconnect an IV line to put a gown on a patient (3 mo. old peds pt) & then reconnect it w/o using aseptic technique. I told the RN & she told me they have problems with her all the time - she likes to work outside her scope of p...
  21. Possible ethical question about Clinical experience...

    how do you know it wasn't wrong? you weren't there. just because she didn't do something right then & there (tell instructor, etc.) doesn't make her obnoxious or whatever else you want to call her. i've come home from clinical & reflected on...
  22. Possible ethical question about Clinical experience...

    wow.........harsh. she didn't feel right about the situation & came here for advice - she didn't immediately go off & report it to the hospital. i think she did the right thing. we don't know what that nurse was doing while texting.....texti...
  23. Body Magic Girdle - Has anyone worked a shift in it?

    Interesting.....I wanna try one!!
  24. Finding Balance

    I think I'm having a hard time balancing my personal & school life. I'm trying really hard in school (ADN program) to do well & get my RN license. I've gotten A's in all my classes & doing well in clinical w/ patients/care plans. I put ...
  25. pca pump ques

    Yes - 300 mg/300 mL = 10 mg/mL Pt is receiving 10 mg (1 mL) every ten minutes.