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  1. Anyone Take the PSB Entrance Exam?!

    Thanks alot I should be getting the study material by this Friday. I asked my school what do you need to score to land a spot. They are taking the top 80 scores. They have only adminstered one test...
  2. Any one going to Rend Lake college or Kaskaskia

    has any one taken the psb aptitude test for rend lake and how was
  3. Any Illinois State Exam Testers Here?!?!

    Hi you can do a mock test on nurseaidetesting.com The state test comes from SIUC and it's there web site with practice questions similar to the one you were given above. I AM am CNA i took the test...
  4. Anyone Take the PSB Entrance Exam?!

    hey i am taking the psb aptitude exam and i order the arco book it has not arrived yet. i am wondering did i make the right decision for study material. i am trying to get into the lpn program. what...
  5. Passed The Psb!! Upmc Shadyside

    maybe that is what it is becuz i am not going to shadyside i am in illnois. i t does have 5 parts that the test is broken down into and it has most of what everyone is talking about, but i dont hear...
  6. Passed The Psb!! Upmc Shadyside

    oh because the sheet i got says that there is vocational questions and the judgement and comprehension of practical nursing. i have heard that there are two different versions of the test like a 2.0...
  7. Passed The Psb!! Upmc Shadyside

    thanks, what about the judgment and comprehension of practical nursing? were there any ?'s like that and how were
  8. I passed the TEAS!

    Hi i take my test on dec 4 and i am looking for a study guide to buy. What do you
  9. Passed The Psb!! Upmc Shadyside

    Hi am schedule to take the psb on Dec 4, I am soo nervous about the math part and the analytical reasoning what is the test really