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About TonyLaws

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  1. Air Force Nurse - Hearing Question

    Let me change up my question this way: Has anyone on here ever received a waiver from the Air Force for hearing? If so, what was the process you followed? Can you describe your story of how you...
  2. Air Force Nurse - Hearing Question

    wtbcrna, Thank you for your response. I have spoke to my recruiter who said they want me start the process for a hearing waiver by sending me back to MEPS for a hearing test. However, I'm concerned...
  3. Air Force Nurse - Hearing Question

    just_cause 1. yes , i did want an answer from an air force officer. 2. i know that waivers are not done prior to meps. if you read you will notice that i said that i have been through meps and my...
  4. Air Force Nurse - Hearing Question

    Anyone else have any information for this question? I'd love to hear from some other Air Force Nurse
  5. Navy ODS - November

    So you were able to be selected for commissioning even though you needed waivers? You didn't have to have the waivers before you were selected? You get selected and then if you need a waiver you do it...
  6. Could someone in the Air Force please reply. My recruiter in South Carolina recently sent my packet to the Air Force Board for me to be considered for commission into the Air Force. Everything in the...
  7. Air Force , need help!

    airforcecapt, what is