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All Content by cathmar2

  1. Hospitals in Brooklyn

    I work at Lutheran. I have to say, it's not aesthetically's not in a great neighborhood and the building is actually in an old warehouse....but I have been there for two years and it's been a really *nice* place to work. Its got its ...
  2. Hello and a question about BCLS v. ACLS

    Thank you all so much. Exactly the advice I was looking for! I guess I just couldn't bear the though of having to take that boring CPR class over again. Oh, well, my fault for letting it lapse! Thanks again.
  3. Hello. I just joined today. I graduated in June and got my RN in August. I have two toddlers at home, so I wanted to spend some time with them (that I never got when I was in school) before I went job hunting. Well, I've started and it's tough. E...