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All Content by rnjls

  1. Rn's go to nursing school for at least two years (for Associates degree) after taking the necessary prerequisites and being accepted into nursing school. Only after completing nursing school do RN's...
  2. please help me about pediatric nursing

    I think the main safety issue here is agreeing to meet with someone she doesn't know--like other posters said, this could be an internet sexual
  3. Tired of being FAT and having low self esteem

    I, Like you, am addicted to food. I eat out a lot, although i really can't afford to, mostly because I'd rather eat alone in a restaurant than at home. I know that's different than a lot of people....
  4. The first five weeks we had Fundamentals lecture and lab and Pharmacology. The next 11 weeks, we kept Pharmacology, but had Med Surg I lecture, lab and clinicals. i can't remember how many total...
  5. A&P Help

    The thing that helped me the most was the open labs. In 101 we learned the bones and muscles and open lab helped me a lot. In 102, the open lab instructors actually embellished a lot on what we...
  6. Just curious...

    Passing is 75 and NCLEx first try pass rate is
  7. Much Older People Going Into Nursing

    I'm 56 and will be finishing my ASN in July of 2010. I plan to immediately start my prereqs for a BSN program. I always wanted to be a nurse and it just happened that this was my time. I really...
  8. Ideas for a clinical "cheat sheet" ?

    Thanks for sharing that information. I'm going to print it off for myself and several other
  9. I thought Micro was harder but only because the exams were essay questions, so I had to study for them a little differently. I learned a lot that way, though. Micro has helped me tremendously during...
  10. when to start wearing scrubs

    We started clinicals in the sixth week of our first semester, so we had to wear scrubs to the hospital then. We also had to either wear our lab coats or scrubs to skills lab, so a lot of us starting...
  11. Should I quit nursing school

    I know what you mean about getting nervous and shaking. One of our checkoffs in the first semester was a group checkoff. We all took turns doing the skill and I was one of the last ones to go. By...
  12. ATI at the end of each semester...

    We have to get a level 2 or better when we take it. If we don't, then we get to remediate at home by taking one of the practice tests and scoring better than 90% on them. So far I haven't had to...
  13. How many students does Ivy Tech Indianapolis take?

    Depending on your TEAS scores, you won't have any trouble getting into LPN with two B's, but I only know of one or two people in my class who got into the RN class with one B. Good
  14. The books are useful. I have used them when studying for
  15. Our school uses ATI but it doesn't count towards our grade. We have to reach a level 2. If we don't, we have to remediate at home and score a 90% or
  16. Terrified of vomit! HELP!!

    I'm one of those people that has a sympathetic gag reflex so when someone is vomiting, I feel like I need to too. In fact, a lot of times when my kids were vomiting, I would be right there with them!...
  17. Pre-nursing school course confusion. Help?

    Definitely brush up on math because you will need it to do dosage calculations. Our nursing school gives a test in the first semester that you must pass with an 80%. You're given three chances and...
  18. Wearing scrubs to clinicals...

    We wear ours to the clinical site. The main reason is we're lucky to have somewhere to put our books, much less having a place to put extra clothes. I do change mine as soon as I get home because of...
  19. Accelerated BSN rankings

    I don't know about rankings, but I know that the Indiana State Board of Nursing has NCLEX pass rates for all of the schools in the state--and this is an important statistic to know. I'm sure all the...
  20. Help With Grants, Scholarships, Etc.

    Have you done a FAFSA yet? If you have, you could check with your state to see if they have any nursing grants or scholarships. Some of the state scholarships require that you agree to work in that...
  21. Any "50-ish" Pre-Nursing Students?

    I am 56 and just started my 3rd semester of an ASN program. As far as I'm concerned, it is never too late to start. I will be almost 57 when I finish this program and plan to start on my BSN prereqs...
  22. Should student nurses be required to get the H1N1 vaccine

    We are not required by our school to receive it; however, some of our clinical sites are requiring anyone who does not receive the vaccine to wear a mask when caring for patients. I am going to get...
  23. A&P I is not going well

    Do you understand that when you get into actual nursing classes, the questions are not knowledge based, but are based on critical thinking skills? In my classes, we have lectures, but a lot of what...
  24. new student needs advice

    If your school has a library, be familiar with it. A lot of schools even have virtual libraries so you can do all of your research at home. Be sure you are familiar with this tool if they have it....
  25. Failed 2 Fundamentals tests - HELP!

    Congratulations on your A. I am notorious for second guessing my answers, but I am trying not to change them now. The only time I change my answers is when I realize that I mistakenly filled in the...