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About cmomof3RN

cmomof3RN has 3 years experience.

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  1. You won't believe.....

    The OP was in the breakroom intently reading a document which commanded her full attention (we can derive that this was an urgent document). She was a not preceptor, nor was she awaiting a student to...
  2. Songs That Remind You of Nursing....

    "Hard Day's Night" by the Beatles, and others I can't think of
  3. Say What??????!!!!!!!!!!

    I recently had a patient and his wife in their early 40's. The man had an IV which was saline-locked, and a small amount of blood began migrating into the extension. This worried the patient, and he...
  4. Best place to buy a penlight?

    I bought this pack of 6 from, and I like them so far. ADC ADLITE Disposable Penlight with Pupil Gauge (6 Penlights): Health Personal Care They are so inexpensive that I gave...
  5. Im in my final year- and incompetent.

    I'm glad you all posted this! I'm in my 3rd semester of an ADN program, and I worked as an intern over the summer, and I feel like I go completely brainless in clinical! I'm wondering if it's some...
  6. bandage scissors?

    My bandage scissors came in a package with my BP cuff, stethoscope, penlight, measuring tape, and pen. We ordered this pack when we were being fitted for our uniforms. I think mine are 5.5". We...
  7. School, Work, Family...

    I have found that I have to save my deep cleaning for breaks. During school, I do everything that absolutely has to be done, such as dishes, laundry, trash, etc. Sometimes my older 2 help out, but...
  8. Math assesment test...OMG

    It will probably be helpful to take a math course as a refresher. In my program, we have to take a dosage and calculation test every semester. We have 2 chances to pass, and if we don't pass then we...
  9. Prereqs and Required academic courses?

    For my ADN program, we had some prerequisites that were required before applying to the nursing program. There are co-requisite courses that must be completed for the nursing courses. These can be...
  10. Congratulations!!
  11. What do you eat at 5am for breakfast?

    Those sound like good breakfast ideas! I have been struggling with eating breakfast early too. Usually I grab a bowl of cereal, but then I feel like I'm starving around 9 AM or
  12. To Work or Not???

    I am in the 3rd semester of an ADN program. I am working as an NA (same as CNA, but not certified) for 12 hours on Saturdays. It does seem like it's helping me to become more comfortable with...
  13. I have heard of people writing a letter of explanation when they have had not quite been ready the first time they were in the program. It would probably be helpful to have those letters of...
  14. Clinical Parking

    I feel really lucky too. We park in the employee parking lot, and the walk takes only a couple of minutes. Sounds like some of you have a frustrating time with
  15. Routines for those of you with children

    That sounds great...I would love to have my kids help out without me nagging! They are good kids, but they really can drag their feet at times when it comes to something that they don't want to do....